Making an Example

The female ghost in the red wedding dress laughed. She raised her hand and pulled off a handful of Pengin's hair. She even said excitedly, "He's going bald. I'm going to win!"

Pengin was about to vomit blood! His head felt so cold! These damn ghosts!

Suddenly, Pengin's eyes lit up. He saw William come out. Very good, the death of these evil ghosts had arrived! No matter how powerful the disobedient slaves were, they shouldn't be kept alive! Later, he wanted to see them kneel down and beg him for mercy!

When Pengin saw William come out, he was no longer afraid of ghosts. He immediately got up and walked quickly towards William. As he walked, he brought with him a gust of wind, and his head was even colder.

"Master, you're out?" Pengin glanced at Ling, who was behind William. He had really brought her out?