Mia Is Missing

The snow was like a mudslide, carrying people and cars as it rolled down the slope to the other side of the barren mountain. On the other side of the barren mountain was the construction site that had been half dug back then. Back then, they wanted to develop the barren mountain from here, but because two workers died, they gave up and did not fill back the pit.

Below the pit was a bridge pier that had only been built with a foundation. Under the bridge pier was a river that had already frozen. The off-road vehicle first appeared from the snow pile and rolled towards the riverbed. Soon, it stopped moving.

There was dead silence.

Alex was the first to emerge a moment later. His arm was still in the snow. His hand under the snow was clenched around something furry. He remembered that it was the hat on Amelia's head.

George was the second to get out of the snowdrift and lift William up too.