King of Hell's Hall

Amelia, who was shivering from the cold, felt warmth all over her body. It was as warm as when Eighth Uncle put clothes on her when she was about to freeze to death in the snow.

"Thank you, Eldest Aunt…" Amelia felt a lump in her throat and hugged Ling. Ling, who only had a 15-degree body temperature, seemed unusually warm at this moment.

Ling also hugged Amelia tightly and clumsily wrapped the coat around Amelia tightly. She pursed her lips, and her eyes were filled with self-reproach. "Thin…" Because she could not feel the temperature, the coat she was wearing was not very thick. It was just a cashmere coat, not as warm as a down jacket.

Ling immediately wanted to take off her clothes again. If she had not gone through water just now and her pants were wet, she would have taken off her pants for Amelia. Amelia quickly stopped her. "No need, Eldest Aunt." Eldest Aunt was only wearing a shirt underneath. If she took it off again…