Break Her Legs

Ray was young and did not know what glory and wealth were. She only knew that she could not be looked down on anymore. She wanted to make her sister not dare to bully her! She knew that her eldest uncle treated Cousin Mia very well. Now that Cousin Mia was missing, her mother said that Cousin Mia must be dead. It did not matter if her eldest uncle was not close to her now. Her mother said that as long as she did not give up, she would definitely succeed! As long as she could get close to her eldest uncle, her and her mother's lives would be better!

Ray held the lunch box and kept wheedling at Alex. Alex glanced at her. She looked soft and cute in her pink dress with a ring of lace at the collar. She deliberately imitated Amelia, tilting her head and blinking.

"Get out!" Alex's eyes were filled with hostility!