It's Eldest Uncle's fault

Before Amelia disappeared, the family had agreed to eat sesame peanut glutinous rice balls, but Amelia never came back… This became Mrs. Walton's sore point. As if she was possessed, she made a bowl of sesame peanut glutinous rice balls every day and waited for Amelia to come back. Every day, the glutinous rice balls were made and kept warm. The next day, when they were cold, she heated them up and ate them before making them again…

Mrs. Walton had been eating sesame peanut glutinous rice balls for three months and finally, her Mia returned.

Alex took Amelia and said, "Let's go. Daddy will take you to wash your hands."

However, Mrs. Walton twisted to the side with Amelia in her arms. "Go kill chickens. Kill two."

Alex: "We can let Mrs. Taylor kill the chickens."

Mrs. Walton: "No, you kill fast."

Alex: "…" Alright, he went to kill the chickens.