Becoming a Free Nanny

Ray's eyes lit up as she looked at the Walton residence in front of her. It was like a king's castle in a fairy tale. It was luxuriously decorated, and there was a lawn larger than her school's football field. It was dazzling, and countless people would be envious of her if she could live here. In the past, when her sister brought her classmates back for her birthday, her sister's classmates had always marveled at how big and luxurious her house was. All of them followed her sister like worms, and there was no end to their praise. Now that she saw the Walton residence, Ray felt that her father's house was nothing. Compared to the Walton residence, it was simply a small building by the road in the countryside. If she could live here, she would invite her classmates over for her birthday. She would invite the entire school! No, not only for her birthday, she would bring her classmates back every weekend to play! She really wanted to live here…