Chapter 48: Back to Danmachi~.

Stepping out of Tearwyn's portal and back to the Danmachi world again, I let out a sigh.

'If I had taken even a second, I would have noticed that Tearwyn was still in fact safe in our dimension. But… I am glad she made a new friend. That Neo seemed rather chill considering what I had done to that Light Scout.'

Shaking my head, I reapplied the illusion to my eyes and prepared to jump through the rest of the floors I had left. But I paused before I did and resisted the urge to facepalm myself.

'The only ones who most likely would be able to see me are the gods. And the Light Scout. I very much doubt anyone else can. Would the gods even fall for what is basically just a prank?'

Crossing my arms in thought for a few moments I simply shrug my shoulders. If they don't fall for it I'll just remove the illusion but if they do fall for it I'll get a few laughs out of it.

With that settled and me choosing the "Fuck it, let's see what happens" approach I start to spread out my sense to see exactly where I am in the dungeon. The floors I have broken through are already healing at an impressive rate, and thus I have no idea how many I have broken though.

Didn't take me long to frown in frustration though, the whole entirety of the dungeon felt "alive" and thus was blocking my senses beyond its walls on the current floor. Actually taking a second to look around, the floor seemed to be a giant labyrinth made of tree bark.

'If I recall… this should be the low 20's for the dungeon?'

Artoria: "Fuck it."

Not wanting to bother with it, I just lowered myself and prepared to jump again. Without wasting any more time, I jumped and cracked the ground heavily and crashed through the roof once again. My trip was very short however, as I had blown up from the ground and was now in a massively open area high in the 'sky'.

Looking down, I could only smirk, as it seems I had also crashed through a few human buildings that were built in a settlement. Panicked screams were heard all over as the humans who looked like nothing but ants were running around in damage control mode.

'That's the "city" of Rivia or whatever. Heh, impressive that I managed to jump through a cliff like that. Then again, the dungeon floor is probably more impressive than some measly cliff?'

Quickly scanning all of the humans running about for any Light corruption, I moved on once I didn't find any. I was a little disappointed about that though, as that likely meant that the Light Scout didn't make it this far yet, since they would have definitely spread the corruption to secure a welcoming base in the dungeon.

With some lingering disappointment I shot off with a crack as I broke the sound barrier and crashed through the roof once again. I kept up my momentum till I started to see ants and shadowy human-like monsters. I quickly stopped my forceful ascent and touched down.

'Ah, Killer Ants and War Shadows if I remember right. I think I'll take a shadow for myself actually.'

As I started to make my way to the creatures, they turned around and actually rushed me. I stopped mid step in confusion and didn't even bother to stop their pathetic attacks.

'Is it because they are dungeon monsters? Their souls are not strong enough to sense me… Eh.'

With a wave of my hand, the top half of the ant exploded into fine mist while the rest of its body slumped down and started to twitch as its everything started to spill out. The War Shadow ignored the death of its comrade, and kept up its flurry of attacks.

I simply grabbed one of its wrists and started to cover the thing with my Black Water with the intention of having it as a servant. It struggled in a pitiable attempt to break my hold or to stop the Black Water from climbing up its body. In only a matter of seconds, it was fully covered and my hold on it broke as the water bubble around it collapsed into a small puddle on the ground.

Moments later, the puddle rippled and the creature broke the surface to claw its way out. The creature looked practically the same as it did before, but now it had a few Grimm plats on its arms and legs, along with a half Grimm mask covering the top of its head.

Artoria: "Good enough. You'll be Blake's new subordinate, go and report to her."

The creature bowed before sinking back into the puddle and disappearing from this universe. Looking at the puddle, an idea started to form while a sinister chuckle escaped my lips.

'Maybe I'll corrupt the whole tower. Then it can go from trying to destroy this word, to converting it. I know it's already part of Tearwyn's influence, but I have no idea what the final fate of it is. Another world full of servants for Tearwyn and I is better than literally any other fate after all… And I don't think Lady Lilith would mind if I took that direction. As the people of this would could "fight" back… heh. Well, they could try anyway.'

Deciding to shelve that idea for now, I started to dash through the floor at speeds that were not attainable by anything on this planet sans the gods themselves. I was close enough to the surface now, that I didn't want to ruin my entrance.

Cracking the ground every now and then when I had to adjust my direction, I was quickly making my way through the floors in minutes. Sadly, I have yet to see any humans other than the ones at that dungeon checkpoint.

'Damn, I should have left some Black Water there as well… oh well.'

It didn't take long at all for me to notice the change in the dungeon layout as the walls took on a blue hue and the lighting of the walls made them look like pathways a miner would have created. And that's when I felt my first presence of humans since the 18th floor.

A smirk appeared on my face before I quickly dismissed my visor as I approached the humans.

'Seems to be… 3? Ah, just around this corner. I can hear them now.'

???: "Bell-kun, I think we should have listened to the decree and left the dungeon…'

'Oh? The world's hero is here?'

Bell(?): "It's fine, it's fine Steph. We'll just stick to the top floors. I am sure whatever that… disturbing feeling was, came from much lower in the dungeon. Look, even Lili is all for this!"

Lili(?): "Yeah! More monsters for us! Think of the payout!"

Steph: "But the gods don't shut down the tower for just anything… Besides, you felt that Bloodlust!"

Bell: "Okay, fine. We'll just get a few more… hmm?"

I had turned around the corner, and was now looking at the trio. And indeed, that was clearly Bell and Lili from the story. Looking at the third person with them, it was clear this was the Reincarnator. She had the Lights' corruption in her, but it was not nearly as progressed as it would have assumed it'd be. Another thing of note was that Bell and Lili had no corruption whatsoever.



'Interesting. Can she not infect other people? And if it wasn't for the system I can feel she has, I bet I could purge her of the Light. A shame the system is more ingrained than the grown systems. Maybe this is a "real" system, and not a Light construct that attaches to the soul? Hmm, thoughts for later.'

But what really caught my attention however, was that all three of them seemed to be able to see me!

Bell: "Another adventure?"

Lili: "But… her eyes…"

Steph: "Is.. that Sab-"

Not giving her a chance to finish, I appeared in front of her and grabbed her by the neck. All three gasped at my seemingly teleportation, and to their credit collected themselves quite quickly.

Bell: "Release her, Monster!"

He drew that fancy little dagger of his, and started to hit me in several areas on my arm to try and get his friend free. I just ignored the little mortal, as I kept my gaze on Light Scout and tightened my grip slowly.

'Let's RP a little~.'

Artoria: "You do not belong here, Light spawn."

The fact that a monster of the tower had spoken startled the three of them. But the Scout's cry of pain from my grip quickly broke that little daze. She was desperately clawing at my armoured wrist and fingers. Trying to find any kind of leverage to pull and pry away my grip.

Artoria: "Feeble."

While massively holding back my strength I threw her against the dungeon's wall causing her to bounce wonderfully off of it while letting out some blood as she toppled to the ground.


Bell: "Steph!"

Bell quickly rushed past me, completely ignoring the fact I could have easily nabbed him if I had desired. But instead, I turned to the other human in the hallway. A smirk appeared on my face while horror was on Lili's.

Lili: "S-stay away!"

She only managed to take a single step back before I was gripping her by the neck.

Bell: "Lili!"

Before we could have a repeat of the last song and dance, I summoned a large pool of Black Water under Lili, and simply dropped her into it.

Lili: "Bell! Hel-!"

Bell: "No!"

Bell didn't even think twice before he jumped into the puddle of Black Water, and disappeared into its depths.

With an amused smile on my face I released a dark chuckle. After hearing some groans and coughing I turned my attention back to the Scout.

Steph: "Wh…what… did…"

Artoria: "You'll see. You should have declined whichever god sent you on this mission, mongrel."

'Oh, I am starting to sound like Gilgamesh…'

Shaking my head slightly, I smiled wide as the two (former) humans broke the surface of the water, and helped each other out of it. Their Grimmifaction was rather tame however. Both had a few armour plates here and there on their arms and legs, while sporting Grimm masks on their lower faces. They also had the other classic showings of the Black Water changes such as corruption lines, lighter hair, pale skin, and dull yellow eyes.

'Hmm… I wonder why the Remnant people had such drastic changes compared to these two? Maybe because they are not from Remnant?'

As I was pondering, my new servants were coughing out Black Water from their lungs and shaking off the dizziness from the transformation.

Steph: " No.. no. Guys?"

However, much to her horror and my delight they completely ignored her and instead bowed down on a single knee to me.

Bell/Lili: "My Goddess."

Steph: "No… no no no… nononononono…! Guys, guys! Lili?! Bell?! Please, no no!"

With an amused grin I said, "By all means you two, answer the human."

Bell/Lili: "We have nothing to say to such a disgusting, and lesser creature of the Light."

My smile threatened to split my face as the pained and tearstained look on the Scouts.

Artoria: "Then, why don't you throw her into the Black Water. Let's see if she is worthy of your attention then."

Bowing even further at my command, they quickly stood up and started to make their way over to the Scout. She tried to get up and back away but the dungeon wall put a quick stop to that feeble attempt.

Steph: "No, please! Stop, you two! We're friends! I.. I don't want to! It gives off a horrible feeling, no! NO!! NO!!"

Without even gracing her with some chatter, they unceremoniously picked her up by the arms and quickly deposited her into the waters as if they were dealing with everyday trash.

And much to my expectation, she didn't survive the conversion. I could feel her screams of pain as she and her soul dissolved into nothing.

With a cruel smirk on my face I said, "Well, I guess she wasn't worthy."

Lili scoffed and nodded while saying, "No surprise there My Goddess. Disgusting Light spawn."

Raising an eyebrow I ask, "Was she not your friend?"

This time it was Bell who scoffed as he answered, "Friend? She hid the fact she was a Light reincarnator from us. I bet she would have corrupted us as well, if she was able! No, a real friend wouldn't rewrite their friends so they were a dog to the Light like themselves."

Artoria: "Fair. I have a job for you, Bell. I want you to corrupt this dungeon. I think I'll take it after all. So, start making some Black Water as you make your way down. If you start to have trouble soloing, just summon some help."

Bell bowed deep and said, "As you command My Goddess. I will ask for Oracle Salem's help should I need it."

And he quickly dashed off the way I had come while starting to create a steady flow of Black Water.

'Oracle Salem, was it? Also a small note to self: I am no longer adverse to them calling me a Goddess.'

Tiling my head in thought I wondered, 'Am I being narcissistic or is it some other reason…'

I was broken out of my pondering when Lili asked for a task as well.

Artoria: "Right, before that. Do you still have your falna or whatever it's called?'

Lili shook her head and said, "I do not, My Goddess. Your blessing destroyed the weak connection I had to the other goddess."

Nodding my head, I started to move the way the trio had been coming from.

Artoria: "Then it is likely that Hestia is either having a total breakdown from 'losing' all three of you, or is on her way here to try and do something about it.'

Lili: "That does sound like something she would do… May I ask a question of you, My Goddess?"

Waving her off and giving her permission she asked, "Is it possible for you to bless her like you did to us? She… is a good goddess."

I shrug my shoulders but give a nod as I say, "I don't see why not. Come, I've wasted enough time in the dungeon."

I then pulled both of us into the shadows and sped through the dungeon. Instantly, we appeared near the mouth of the dungeon entrance, but I kept us in the shadows as I sped us through to the outside.

'Huh, that's a lot of adventures guarding the "door" to the dungeon.'

Turning to Lili, who was looking around in awe at the shadow world we were in I asked, "Can you tell where Hestia is? Or last was?"

Her attention instantly snapped to me, and she gave me a nod. I motioned for her to lead the way, and off we went. Seconds later, we appeared in the shadows of what looked like a weapon enthusiasts lounge. There were weapons all over the place on display, along with armour suits and such.

Sitting on a couch were two women, well, "gods" I should say. Hestia was balling her eyes out with one of the targets I really wanted as a servant: Hephaestus.

'Right, they are gods, so I don't think a normal dip will do. Better go all out I guess.'

So without wasting any time, I unleashed Pandemonium, while I stepped out of the shadows with Lili.

The two gods instantly snapped their heads to us and got up for a fight.

Hestia: "L..Lili?!"

That was all they managed to get out before Pandemonium's darkness covered the entire room and sucked them into it. Lili was looking around in awe once again before she spoke up.

Lili: "This is a far stronger blessing you gave Bell and I…"

Artoria: "Naturally. Those two were gods, after all. Their souls are very powerful. Which brings me to yours and Bell's… They are very strong as well. I also notice this was not a unique thing as we passed all those other adventures. I wonder if it's because you all are living with and blessed by your world's gods?"

She shook her head and said, "I am sorry My Goddess, I do not have any idea what you're talking about."

I barked a laugh and waved her off, "Don't worry about it Lili. Ah, it looks like they are done."

As I said that, 2 sets of arms broke through the blackness of the floor and started pulling themselves up. The change to the two gods was a lot more pronounced than with Bell and Lili.

Hestia now had little horns, along with several Grimm plates all around her body. Her eyes were a glowing gold, much like mine, while her skin was covered in black corruption lines, instead of red, and was snow white. She had a Grimm half mask like Pyrrha's that covered her right side of the face. It honestly looked more like a Hollow mask than a Grimm mask. Her dress was now black instead of white, and the legendary boob ribbon was now red instead of blue. Her hair was an ashen grey/black.

(Source: (A/N: This is her normal look, as a reference)

The changes to Hephaestus were just as drastic. She no longer had an eyepatch, as my Corruption had eaten that divine curse like it was nothing. Instead, she had a half mask on her lower face like that of a ninja's of all things. Her eyes were again like mine and Hestia's and glowed gold. Her horns were much longer than Hestia's though, and curled behind her head like a dragonoid's would. Her clothes also changed to be a dull grey, while her hair lightened in colour significantly as well. Her corruption lines were also black like Hestia.

(Source: (A/N: This is her normal look, as a reference)

They groaned for a few seconds while they collected themselves. Upon noticing me watching over them though, they got up on one knee and bowed deeply. I could feel the connection I had with them, and it was stronger than any other servant I had created to date.

H/H: "Our Goddess, Artoria."

Smiling, I reverted back to my normal base as I resealed Pandemonium and its corruption receded. As I was about to speak however, a black portal opened up near us. The two goddess got up, and stood slightly behind me as I had stopped them from trying to get in front of me. Lili had also joined behind us as we all looked on at the portal in interest.

'This reminds me of-'

My thought screeched to a halt when Qrow and Raven crashed hard out of the portal and onto the floor. Qrow groaned in pain, while Raven smashed her fist into the floor, cracking it in rage. She was currently engulfed in such a beautiful crimson coloured fire. I could feel the hate rolling off her and the flames as she stood up and looked at me with determination, pain, and a spark of hope in her eyes.

She took all of a second to look at the girls behind me before returning her gaze to me.

Raven: "I need your help…"

[author] And here is chapter 48~. Surprise~![/author]