Chapter 57: The last Light Scout’s location!

Neo explained that having Athena as one of Tearwyn's Valkyries would be a huge boon. As a deity of battle and wisdom she'd make for an excellent general or any other leader type of position.

I nodded my head and said, "I agree. I'll rough her up a bit before I send her over. Thank you for the idea, Neo."

With a hum Neo replied, 'No worries~. Tearwyn is my sister now as well, and she needs to be protected! Why not create one of the strongest armies in the True Omniverse to defend her, hmm?'

I launched myself after Athena with a smile as I said, "Damn right! I'll talk to you later, Neo."

As I was approaching Athena, I couldn't help but notice that she was still pulling herself together after my last attack. Another thing I noted was that her healing was slowing down a great deal.

With a small frown I thought, 'That can't be all a deity can do, right? We were still playing in my eyes. Shit, that fake ass Gilgamesh put up way more of a fight for fuck sakes! Granted, she used a lot of spells that debuffed me heavily, but still!'

Appearing in front of Athena, I was already throwing a crushing punch towards her solar plexus. Athena was not only healing slower, she was also reacting slower as well, as she only managed to widen her eyes as my fist connected.

There was a violent discharge of wind as the force of my blow lifted her off her feet, and she coughed up golden blood. Tossing my sword in the air, I grabbed her by the head with my right hand and slammed her down hard. The ground exploded from the force of the impact as dust and debris were thrown into the air.

With a wave of my hand, I cleared the dust cloud away and looked down at the pitiful form of Athena. She was groaning in pain while golden blood leaked from multiple areas of her head. I shook my head in disappointment as I caught my sword and sheathed it.

Looking at her with disgust, I use my foot to flip her onto her back. I didn't bother to hide the disappointment or disgust in my voice as I asked, "Is this truly all the fury and might you can bring to bare, Athena? We only played for several minutes, and yet you seem.. Spent."

Shaking my head, I look up at the super planet-cum-meteor and judge that it'll land within a few minutes by now. Having my attention drawn back to the wreck by my feet by her gurgles I notice that she isn't even healing anymore.

Athena coughed out some more golden blood mixed with spittle and said, "Divinity… drained… Only Goddess left… Heaven ab-aban-abandoned…"

I raise an eyebrow and say, "Oh? So that means you moved your power base down to the mortal plane then? But, why should that affect your power or abilities?"

I look at her as she just glared at me before I shrug my shoulders. I was fine with her not revealing anything, as I was just curious.

Reaching down and grabbing her by the neck I say, "Well, no matter. My sister has plans for you, so congratulations."

Her glare intensified as she said, "I refuse you and your plans. Kill me."

With a cruel grin I bring her close to my face as I say, "Nah, I don't think I will. Don't worry, you'll love your new job!"

As she started to weakly struggle, one of Tearwyn's portals opened beside me. As I take one last look at the doomsday spell above me, I smirk. Then without further to do, I went through the portal with a rather unhappy looking Athena.

No sooner than when I stepped out of the portal, did I hear a cheer from Tearwyn, "Sister!"

Tossing Athena down like the garbage she turned out to be, I quickly dismissed my armour as I caught the pink bullet.

As I snuggled against Tearwyn's cheek I cooed, "Tearwyn~~"

With a giggle she hugged me and said, "Welcome back! I've got good news, I found the last reincarnator!"

I picked up the groaning Athena with some mental magic and had her float behind me as I made my way to a pool of Abyss Water.

Ignoring the soft but heated swearing behind me I asked Tearwyn, "Oh, did you now?"

I adjusted my arms so Tearwyn could sit comfortably on them as she said, "Yes! The Harry Potter movies. It took me FOREVER to find the little bitch!"

My eyes widened at her little outburst before I started laughing, "Hahaha! 'Little bitch' is it?"

Tearwyn nodded her head and said, "Yes, little bitch! Neo said I should use more colourful vocabulary when dealing with 'the fuckers that don't know to leave you very well enough alone!'"

I let out another boisterous laugh while nodding my head. After calming down a little I said, "Yes, yes! Anything that comes after you deserves your contempt, Tearwyn. Nothing that wants to hurt you deserves any modicum of respect in my opinion."

Tearwyn nodded her head as she said, "That is exactly what Neo said!"

With a smile, I poke her cheek lightly as I say, "Well, Neo knows what's up. I am glad she and Raven became my sisters. I wonder what this "Muun" is like that was briefly mentioned though."

Tearwyn threw her hands in the air as she excitedly said, "Oh oh! I know her! She's in a neutral Gods area currently, but she is super fun looking! Said neutral God is very nice too, I wouldn't mind hanging out with her one day…"

As we near the Abyss pool… or well, more like a lake that surrounded the freshly planted Sin Tree I say, "Sure. But, if you want to go there without a proxy, I will go with you. Even if that god seems nice, I will not trust anyone until I meet them personally."

I reached behind me and grabbed the fallen deity, who was still swearing up a storm and trying to curse me, by the front of her dress. I then toss her towards the waters unceremoniously and disable the magic that was causing her to float.

As she plunged into the waters Tearwyn cheered and said, "Get dunked on! She'll be much nicer once she is done transforming. Then she gets to transform some more when Neo is done with her~. Fun times ahead for my new captain!"

I shook my head and giggled with mirth at her antics before asking, "So, you said the last scout was in the Harry Potter universe hmm? I think I'll enjoy my time there. I've always wanted to learn the most overpowered curse: The Cruciatus Curse (Crucio)."

Much to my disappointment Tearwyn jumped down from my arms and then said, "It is a very powerful curse indeed. Which is surprising given how generally low level that universe is in terms of magic. It'll be even better in your hands though!"

Raising an eyebrow I ask, "Oh? How come?"

Tearwyn beamed a smile at me and said, "Because you don't need a wand! Merely saying it and pointing at your target will be enough. Though, eventually you'll get to the point where you can cast all your magic with nothing but a thought, instead of just some of it."

Suddenly thinking of a problem however, I couldn't help but frown and cross my arms as I voiced my worry, "But, who can teach me? I doubt anything in that universe can see me now besides Death."

Tearwyn giggled and gave me a few head pats with a tail of hers as she said, "Silly, Artoria! Ever since you officially became a daughter of big sister Lilith, she lifted a few downsides on you! And even if that was not the case, you can rip the information out of some ones mind!"

Widening my eyes in shock I asked, "Mother did? Really? Also, at the risk of changing the subject… why do you call her 'Big Sister' even though she's our mother?"

With a smile Tearwyn said, "Simple! She likes being called big sister by me more than anything else. And I like seeing her happy! So if calling her my big sister does that, then that is what I will call her. It doesn't change how much we love each other after all."

With a smile, I give Tearwyn a head pat while saying, "Very true. Now, what has mother changed about some of the downsides on me?"

Tearwyn flashed another heart melting smile at me before she popped away and appeared behind my head on my shoulders. Feeling her lean on top of my head she said, "Well, the only real major thing she changed was the fact that you could only be seen by souls that were near you in strength."

I felt her starting to play with my hair as she continued, "She lifted that downside so that you could appear to anyone with any soul strength as long as you trained it. But the pressure your soul gives off will still extinguish anything that is too weak to stand up to it if you don't focus on changing its aura with that skill I gave you."

As I hummed she added, "But you'll always be invisible to anything without a soul. That's just the nature of your existence. So sadly for you, you'll always smash through automatic doors~."

I couldn't help but blush a little and cough as I said, "You… saw that did you?"

With a giggle Tearwyn said, "Yup! Big sister Lilith showed me a little bit of your adventures after we first met."

Gently shaking my head, I just chuckle a little. Our attention was then pulled to the waters as Athena was finally fully converted and made her way out of them.

As she pulled herself to shore and was coughing out any of the remaining water from her lungs I asked, "How do you feel, Athena?"

She spent a few more seconds coughing out water before shaking her head lightly. After resting for a split second, she got up to one knee and bowed deeply.

I felt Tearwyn lean comfortably on my head as she said, "Raise your head, answer my sister."

Athena nodded her head, and raised it. She gazed at the both of us for a few seconds before answering, "I feel great, My Goddess. I've never felt so free, as with my power. I could never know how liberating it would feel to not have my power or life tied to a realm sustained by the faith of worshipers."

I nodded my head while I looked her over. I was going to make note of her new appearance, but since Tearwyn said she'd change once again after Neo was done with her, I didn't bother.

With another audible pop sound, Tearwyn appeared near the kneeling Athena and said, "Well, let's go! I am eager to add you to my Valkyries!"

Tearwyn snapped her fingers and Athena vanished, sent to the layer that Neo has been developing. She then turned to me and said, "I'll send you to the Harry Potter universe now! You'll need to train to let others see you, but it should be easy. Honestly, with how powerful your soul is, most would start to feel you around them anyway at this point. Like something was wrong, or out of place but they couldn't say what."

She snapped her fingers again, causing another portal to appear. I crouched down and gave her a big hug while stealing some snuggles.

She giggled and returned the hug in full force by using her tails. After we broke away she said, "Have fun, Sister! When you get back, big sister Lilith said she has something she'd like you to do. By what little she told me, it'll be fun!"

With a light chuckle I nod my head and say, "Alrighty, I'll look forward to it! If you need me for anything, just call me Tearwyn."

Giving me a nod as I walked through she said, "You bet!"

Stepping out of the portal, I looked around and took in the area. It seems I was standing on top of some building in a little village. As I kept looking around, I noticed a giant castle off into the distance that was behind me.

Nodding my head in appreciation at its beauty I thought, 'Well, safe bet that is Hogwarts. Wonder what time I am in… eh, no time like the present I guess. I got a spell to learn.'

Lifting off I started to fly towards Hogwarts and had a curious idea, 'I wonder if the Room of Requirements could help me train a bit in letting things see me? Hmm, I think I'll stop there first if I can find it and try that out actually.'

[author] Here be chappy 57~. As you may have noticed, I stepped back a downside because it was getting out of hand. A quick foray into the Potterverse before this arc is FINALLY done. I know some of you are tired of this arc, so here's hoping you enjoy the next one~![/author]