Chapter 67: Wife. GET! (?)

As we stared at each other in total concentration, I suddenly heard Rin call out, "Caster? What was that nnnnoooiiiissss- - - - -"

Time seemed to come to a total halt as Barghest charged at me, as if it held its breath in anticipation. I angled my shadow sword slightly in front of me to block her straight forward slash.

My arm held strong as she tried to lean into the blade lock, while I leaned in close to her face and softly spoke, "Your eyes are absolutely stunning, my Barghest."

I pushed upwards to break the sword lock, while simultaneously breaking her stance for a few seconds from the sudden force. As her form was broken and she was stepping back, I gently tossed my sword up to catch it with my downward swinging left hand.

She wasted no time, and was already in a blocking motion when my sword came down upon her, causing us to lock swords once again. As I pushed against her form, I once again leaned close to her face as I said, "Your right eye makes rubies wish they sparkled with such radiance and purity, and your left makes Gaia weep at its inability to seed such a vibrant green in nature."

While she was blushing and struggling to not smile, she did not lose focus in the slightest. This caused me to smile even wider at her as I released the pressure I was using and stepped back. With the sword lock broken, she quickly spun clockwise and aimed her sword towards my neck.

Bringing up my sword with the blade pointed down, I parry the attack causing her sword to bounce back with no small amount of force. With her form broken, I threw out my left fist in a punch towards her chest. Realising she couldn't block the attack properly, she simply tensed the muscles in her arm braced for the impact.

A small shock wave of force erupted from the point of impact, and she was shoved several metres away. As I reset my stance, I saw nothing but a massive smile on her face; one that I knew we shared. She gained a gleam in those wondrous eyes, and changed her stance to a double handed grip on her sword.

With a yell, she ran at an incredible speed and then did a jumping leap attack. I raised my sword horizontally above my head and blocked the attack. The sheer force and power she put in the attack however caused the ground to explode around me as I was lowered about an entire metre into it.

I paid no attention to the rocks and debris that also came to a standstill all around me shortly after the initial attack while Barghest shifted and sent out a mighty kick with her right leg. I used the forearm of my free hand to block the kick as she was still pushing down with enough force against my sword to keep the lock going.

I was not at all surprised with the strength in her kick though when it caused me to be pushed to the right and dig further into the concrete driveway. When our eyes met, hers flashed with intent at my situation; sunk into the concrete up to my waist.

Kicking off the air itself, she did a somersault. With a mighty yell and an equally mighty looking axe kick, she brought her right leg down. Bringing up my hand so my palm is facing myself, I caught her by the ankle. The force of the attack was still strong enough to drive me further into the pavement however, while also causing the area immediately around me to explode outwards.

My smile nearly split my face as I teased her, "Thanks for the meal, my Barghest."

I heard her gasp and saw her eyes widen out of the corner of my vision when she realised where I was staring. Before she could act or say anything however, I shifted around and tightened my hold on her ankle.

She let out the most adorable yelp of surprise as I started to bring her body down towards the ground in front of me as I said, "Time for you to serve up some dessert, my Barghest!"

The pavement offered up no resistance as it acted as if a meteor had impacted it when I slammed down Barghest. The ground shifted under me as the impact had created a large eight metre wide crater.

I jumped away from her and caused several of the floating chunks of debris to shatter as I passed through them. As she was groaning and getting up I let out a sharp whistle and said, "And what a fine dessert you have offered up!"

She huffed and dusted herself off while turning to me. She sent a glare that lacked any fire in it, and only held embarrassment if her blush was anything to go by. She suddenly had a sly smile as she said, "You are not the only one who has been enjoying the view, Artoria."

A toothy smile split my face as she rushed me from the right. Our swords made no sound as they clashed, as mine was created from shadow, but they did cause bursts of wind from the speed and force of the impacts.

I continued to block all of her swings for a few seconds before I asked, "And? What about me appeals to you, my Barghest?"

As we continued this dance, causing slashes to appear all around us from the force Barghest was using in her swings, she smiled as she said, "As you marvelled at mine, I too adore your eyes. They are resplendent and shimmer like liquid gold! Their equally golden glow is filled with nothing but confidence and surety of oneself!"

Using a parry to suddenly break the stalemate, I summoned a second sword of shadow in my free hand and put pressure on her as I pressed the attack. Even as she was put on the backfoot from my sudden increase in attack, she was still defending with relative ease and her form still radiated with beauty.

As I continued my flurry of attacks I asked, "And? What else do-"

However, I didn't need to finish my question as I was able to see her quickly and not so subtly glance at my chest with a small blush and smile. I barked a laugh before I did a spin and attacked with both swords to her right side. She was able to tell this attack had more strength in it than my others, as she had braced herself with one hand on the flat part of her sword.

It was her turn to slide several metres away and into the concrete slightly. As I dismissed my extra sword and fixed my stance I said, "This dress may not be the most practical of wear for sword fighting; this point I will concede."

She walked a few steps away from the line of damage she created and fixed her stance while saying, "I do not mind, and as you have said: It is quite the feast for the eyes."

I laughed at that for a few seconds while she smiled and further appreciated the view. It wasn't long before she frowned slightly and then asked, "But why have you not tried to draw any blood with your blade? Surely, you are not looking down on me?"

I shook my head with a slight smile as I answered her, "Not in the slightest, my Barghest. I just refuse to overly harm my future wife, even more so by actually cutting her." My smile turned sly as I continued, "Besides, there are other ways to… dominate you, my Barghest."

While her eyes widened at the implications of my statement I added, "Besides, my goal in this fight is not to slay you or even hurt you, my Barghest. It is to impress you. To prove to you I can handle your everything, and that I am worthy to stand by your side. As I find you worthy to stand beside mine."

She beamed a wondrous smile at me for a few moments before she lost it to a one filled with some melancholy. She shook her head and her face hardened as her gaze became determined.

We locked eyes for several moments before she asked, "My 'everything.' You know of me, and are willing to accept everything that I am?"

I relaxed my posture and with a nod I said, "Everything."

She closed her eyes and tilted her head ever so slightly forward and I barely heard her whisper, "My everything… we'll see if you are yet another liar."

She started to expel an enormous amount of mana, and then moments later her entire being started to glow a deep crimson. Her form started to change, including her sword, while dark crimson flames started to waft off her. The small flames around her soon turned into a small tornado of crimson red fire. It wasn't long before I felt a large amount of bloodlust pour out, and for the tornado to explode to reveal a changed Barghest.


She slowly opened her eyes, and gently breathed out which released steam from how hot her breath was. Her gaze soon locked onto mine in moments, before she asked, "Behold: my power unrestrained. Is it not-"

Her voice brought me back to reality and I accidentally interrupted her as I automatically said, "Beautiful."

She hitched on her question as she was startled by my sudden proclamation. She stuttered a little as she tried asking again. "W-what? You don't find me… repulsive?"

I lightly shook my head in a dazed-like manner as I answered, "Beauty incarnate, is what you are."

Her eyes widened as I continued, "Your flames are so beautiful Amaterasu herself weeps in jealousy. Your beauty; so unmatched that Aphrodite cowers in shame. Your bloodlust is so fierce that it makes Kratos seem like a child throwing a simple tantrum."

Her face got redder and redder as I continued, "One look at you, and Ares is forced to heighten his bar for fitness for war. Your hair is so luscious and full, and most likely softer than any silk. Your muscles ripple with strength that Heracles aspires to. Your-"

She quickly raised her free hand and said, "Please, stop, I can not handle any more!" She looked at me with a face full of doubt, yet with eyes filled with hope as she asked, "Do…Do you speak truthfully?"

I smiled softly at her as I dismissed my shadow sword and started walking to her. I made no effort to avoid the floating rocks that still seemed to be suspended in time. They simply exploded upon contact with myself and scattered before they returned to being suspended.

My eyes stayed locked onto her eyes, even as I had to tilt my head back to look up at her beautiful face when I was standing only a few feet from her. My smile grew, yet was just as soft, as I said, "I will never lie to you, my Barghest. You are all that, and oh so much more."

I reached up and gently wiped away the small tear that escaped her right eye. To my surprise she stopped me from removing my hand, and instead held it in place as she leaned into my palm. She closed her eyes and just rested on my hand for a few moments before speaking, "I know not why… but I know your words to be true."

Caressing the side of her face I asked, "Did you wish to continue?"

She gently shook her head and said, "No, it is unneeded. My instincts are much stronger in this form, and they are screaming at me about you." She opened her eyes and a wry grin appeared as she continued, "And don't think I didn't notice you were not using Excalibur."

A small sly grin formed on my face as I gently shrugged before saying, "I hope you do not take it as an insult, my Barghest. As it was not meant as one."

She closed her eyes and snuggled into my palm again before saying, "I do not. I was a little offended at first, until the first time our swords clashed. It was then that I realised it mattered not what was in your hands."

She couldn't see my sly grin deepen as I said, "Now look at what's in them. Perfection personified."

A large amount of steam was released when she huffed before she chuckled lightly. She opened her eyes slightly in a mock glare as she said, "I was wrong about your silver tongue. It is clearly golden."

She gently sighed before she stepped back away from myself and was covered by flames for a few moments. When they vanished she was back to her normal blueish grey tinted armour.

The breath that time seemed to be holding was finally released as everything started to resume as I heard Rin's yell, "sssseeee. OH MY GOD WHAT THE F-"

She was interrupted by several loud explosions and debris flying everywhere. Illya released a startled yell as well, but she was protected from anything hitting her as it seemed Berserker had rejoined us sometime during my spar with Barghest.

After the sound of several explosions finished ringing out and everything seemed to settle down, I heard Rin yell, "Caster!!"

As I turned to look at her confused and furious face she continued, "What the shit?!"

[author] Hope this chapter wasn't as cringy as it felt like when I was writing it... I don't think I can do love very well... what do you all think~?[/author]