
I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- [System Speaking]

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3rd person pov

Peter wakes up early in the morning. He went to the bathroom to clean himself and then to the kitchen for making breakfast. When he is done. He woke up Natasha and Wanda. May was already up. Everyone peacefully has breakfast.

Natasha: You two didn't do anything naughty last night. Right?

Wanda (Blushing): Natasha, We didn't do anything.

Peter: Hey, May I have to go to school for filling out some paperwork? It's about I can't attend any classes anymore because of me being an intern in the Stark industry. They already know this but they need to do this for formalities.

May: Okay. So what about in the evening? Are you free?

Peter: Actually, No. I have the most important work to do in the evening.

When Wanda hear this she started blushing because being embarrassed. Natasha saw this and thought something was up.

Natasha: Oh, What is the 'Most Important' work you have in the evening?

Peter looked at Wanda who was blushing madly. She nodded Peter indicated that he could tell them.

Peter: Well, I have to take Wanda on a Date.

Both May and Natasha are shocked and very happy to hear that.

Natasha: Well, That's good news good luck with your date Peter and Wanda.

Peter: Thanks.

Wanda: Thanks, Nat.

May: I am so happy for you guys. Good luck with your date.

Peter: Thanks, May.

Wanda: Thank you.

They finished their breakfast. After that everyone separated from their way. May went to the hospital, Natasha and Wanda went to The Avengers tower and Peter went to High school.

Peter thinks about his high school memories of the original Peter Parker. He was hoping it was Mcu high school. But it's not the only difference in this universe there is no X-Men, or Fantastic four yet. Heroes from this universe are in starting phase. Defenders are very good friends with Peter. It's no doubt this universe most Superheroes are in will be good. Peter's High school is the same as his home universe. MJ is not Michelle Jones Watson but Mary Jane Watson. Flash, Harry, and Liz are still the same. Which is very annoying for Peter to deal with them today. He was hoping that he didn't encounter any of them.

Peter arrived at his high school. He directly going towards the principal office. Luckily no one interrupts him from going there.

Peter: May I come in sir?

Principal: Oh Mr.Parker. please come in and have sit.

Peter went in and sit on a chair.

Principal: I heard about your Internship. Congratulations.

Peter: Thank you.

The principal takes out some documents.

Principal: You have to sign these documents. It's about your upcoming absence from school. You only have to show up for exams. Other than that you don't have to come here.

Peter sign all the documents after reading them carefully.

Principal: All right, All the procedure is completed. We hope the best for your future, Mr.Parker. it's not only your honor for getting chosen by Tony Stark as an Intern. It's also our honor that he chose someone from our school.  Good luck.

Peter: Thank you, Principal.

Peter gets up and leaves the principal office.

Peter is about directly leaving the school but his luck doesn't seem to work in this universe.

Mary Jane: Hey, Peter.

Peter turns around and looks at her. In this universe, Peter and Mary Jane have never been in a relationship. They are close friends until they entered school. But after that, they distance themselves same reason as Mary Jane from his universe. She wanted to be with popular and rich kids. Even if Peter Doesn't want to talk with her but she didn't cheat on him in this universe. Their relationship is not that close. So he can't take out his anger on him and make the same mistake as he did with the Defenders in his universe. He takes out his anger on Matt on other members of the Defenders.

Peter: Hello, Mary Jane. What's up?

Mary Jane: I heard you became an Intern at Tony Stark. Congratulations. The whole school knows about it now. You are famous.

Peter: Thanks. I just applied for an internship and have an interview with Tony Stark. He was impressed and selected me.

Mary Jane: Great, Where are you going?

Peter: I have to do some paperwork here. This is the last day of mine in school. After today I only came to take the exam.

Mary Jane: So lucky. Hey, What are you doing in the evening? We can go somewhere for your celebration party.

She was hoping for a date with Peter. But Peter gets a great point to shock her.

Peter: Sorry, Mary Jane. I have a date with someone.

Mary Jane was shocked that Peter is going to date someone. She thought he had a crush on her.

Mary Jane: Con... Congratulations. Who is she?

Peter: Wanda Maximoff.

Mary Jane more shocked hearing that. Peter is going on a date with The Wanda Maximoff.

Peter: Okay bye Mary Jane. I have to go.

Peter left Mary Jane standing there. She was still Shocked.

Peter left the school with a winning smile. Peter going towards the Avengers tower. He had dinner planned with Wanda. Natasha might join too. If Thor is available then he will be too.

When Peter arrived at Avengers tower and reached at the main hall. Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Steve and Sam are talking about something.

Peter: Hey, Guys.

Wanda: Hey, Peter.

Natasha: Hey, Peter.

Thor: Hello, Man of Spider.

Everyone greeted him.

Peter: So, What's going on?

Thor: Lady Natasha and Lady Wanda are talking about your cooking skill. So We are waiting for you. So you can make Lunch for us if you don't mind.

Peter: Sure. I already going to do that for Wanda and Natasha. If you want you can also join.

Thor: Thank you, Man of Spider.

Peter went to make Lunch for them.

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So how it's guys? please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments. If you liked this story you can drop some power stones for it.