Chapter 39_ Dragon Knight (3)

[Dragon Knight]

Rating: Only One

[You have a rapport with dragons.

Dragons belonging to the sub and mid-tier dragons won't antagonize you. Rather, they will respect you.

★ Some dragons can be used as a 'mount.'

★ Your status will rise dramatically when riding a dragon.

★ All stats will increase when riding a dragon. The increase in stat values is affected by the status of the dragon you are riding.

★ While riding a dragon, you can share the health with a dragon.]

'The only one...!'

It was an unfamiliar rating. However, it was definitely above the myth rating. Though he hadn't ventured far enough into the legendary and myth ratings, Lexus had an idea of what they were. However, Nevartan's gratitude for curing him from the madness that consumed him for countless years didn't end there. Turning somewhere in his lair, he grabbed something huge and it looked like a beating heart.

A dragon heart—it contained the powerful magic power and vitality of a dragon.

[Dragon Heart]

Rating: Myth (Transcendent)

[The main organ of the Dragons that generates tremendous power within their bodies. The organ itself is said to generate gargantuan amounts of magic power and is the secret to the Dragon's immense power and the organ that primarily maintains a dragons ability to use magic, skills and other abilities.

A heart of a top fire dragon but was mercilessly slain and defeated by Insane Dragon Nevartan.

* Increases physical and magical growth to drastically enhance by 500%.

* Ability locked (Sealed).

* Ability locked (Sealed).

** Some of the abilities are sealed. You must meet the qualifications or conditions in order to lift the seals.

** Some information cannot be accessed. You must meet the qualifications or conditions in order to view the information.]

Solomon immediately appraised the heart for Lexus.


Lexus exclaimed as he was feeling thrilled and excited. The first effect he saw was really appetizing to him. It actually boosts physical and magical growth at least 5 times. If he was currently growing at fast rate because of his two skills, just this effect would increase his growth by 500%. Seeing the gigantic heart, Lexus felt it was a pity as he can't consume this.

Nevartan's body was surrounded by an intense light and rapidly shrank. His body, which was bigger than a great mountain, took on a human form. It was Polymorph. The human version of Nevartan was a spiky black-haired man with dark blue eyes. His body was toned and muscular. Nevertheless, the pressure he gave off remained.

『 Rest assured. In gratitude for curing me, I shall transplant the heart of a fire dragon to replace your frail and weak human heart. It was from a top dragon that had dared to face me when I was in my insane state thousands of years ago. 』

'Top Dragon? The same level with Ifrit, Cranbel and Curbatros?'

As Lexus watched in wonder, Nevartan reached into his chest and easily pulled out his heart. Lexus's eyes widened; he couldn't react at all. Not even his super-sensitivity were able to detect any hint of Nevartan's intent.

Blood was being vomited from his mouth and his blood spurted from his chest, but as a legend and someone who had achieved transcendence, something like this wasn't enough for him to die easily. Knowing this fact, Nevartan swiftly proceeded.

The giant dragon heart that was bigger than their human figures started to shrink in size with Nevartan's will. With the Dragon Heart reaching the same size as Lexus' heart, he placed the shrunk dragon heart into the hole in Lexus' chest and swiftly started healing him. He even transfused some of his own blood into Lexus to prevent the blood loss, and then, the healing magic he casted quickly began to take effect.

The heart trembled violently, breaking and recovering over and over. The heart was the center of life and pumped blood through countless veins; it was also a magical power organ that created and distributed all magic power.

The dragon heart was now rapidly changing his human body, evolving from the original function to a superior organ, modifying the mana core along with it. Thump! Thump! The newly transplanted heart still beat in the shape of a bead, but it pumped fiercely, sending his blood around his body faster and releasing greater amounts of magical energy.

The symbol of the Draconic species and the root of all the powers they possessed was finally born—a Dragon Heart. It was on a completely different level from what Lexus had possessed before and lived up to its fame as the most efficient magic power organ.


[Enhanced Thought Acceleration]

To prevent losing his consciousness to the sudden events, Lexus was forced to focus everything on the Dragon Heart. Just then, the Dragon Heart lightly trembled. He was immediately aware that there were two different steps that he had to take to complete the process.

The first was to properly settle the energy of the Dragon Heart into his chest, replacing his own heart. The final step was for his body to adjust to the new heart. The Dragon Heart was a type of magical organ. With Perfect Status Resistance, his body would definitely be able to accept it, and according to his calculations, it was totally possible.

However, the problem was putting the heart of a top dragon into the vessel.

'There's only one chance. If I fail, I die.'

While he was in his enhanced thought acceleration, Lexus focused all his consciousness on the heart, along with Solomon, and even with the help of both Madra and Braham.

There was only one chance. If there was even the slightest mistake, the opportunity would evaporate into nothing. The Dragon Heart could be ruined along with his life. Since he had gone over it in his head numerous times already, nothing unexpected happened.


Like pieces of a puzzle being assembled one by one, the Dragon Heart that Nevartan had placed in his chest began to take shape, slowly but surely. Lexus could feel his body starting to buckle under the pressure.

Nevartan's touch was light and careful; everything would be ruined if he made the slightest mistake. Fortunately, Lexus was managing his own body, with the help of Solomon and Braham's soul fragment, and his control over magic was skilled enough to defeat most magicians.

On top of that, in his slowed time from Enhanced Thought Acceleration, there was no way any mistakes would be made. Carefully, he put the last of his magic power into the Dragon Heart as his blood vessels connected to it, the tremendous magic power swirled around the newly replaced heart.

'It worked!'

He shouted internally to himself. Then, that moment…..

Dring, dring—

[The 'Dragon Heart' has been successfully transplanted.]

[The center of the dragon, the heart can take in magic power and emit it outside the body. The magic power used during this process interferes with ideas. Magic can be established according to your will and proficiency.]

And the moment he released the heart's magic power….. Draconic Pressure began to flurry around him and burst out of him like a wave, and he now exuded the true energy of a dragon.

[You have achieved a step closer to becoming one of the dragon species.]


The dragon heart circulated his mana in his body together with his own mana and the mana that was coming from the Dragon Heart. As the two different magic powers collided, they clashed like water and oil at first, but…..

[The two magic powers are being synchronized.]

The purification began. It was an abundant and pure magic power compared to before. Lexus tried using his Dragon Heart to see how much he grew. As he did, the magic power all began to explode. It was enough to make him shiver. The same feeling of invincibility was now swirling around. Inside of the storm, Lexus couldn't get a grip on himself. The feeling of receiving the Dragon Heart was giddying.

Everything in the surroundings felt like it was under his control. His senses had already been honed before, but now he'd finally made contact with the surface of the base element that made up the world: ideas, the composition of truths. He could now sense the alternative surface of items and control them.

If Enhanced Thought Acceleration wasn't activated, he might've lost consciousness a long time ago.

An unlimited power.

An intense power.

All these things seemed to be in his palm.

Was his power amplified twice? Three times? It was impossible to calculate because it could be even more, depending how he used it. He was sure something incredible would happen, but this exceeded even his wildest expectations.

[You are now able to access the power of the dragons.]

[The skill 'Dragon Fear' will be generated.]

[The skill 'Fire Dragon's Breath' will be generated.]

[The skill 'Dragon's Magic' will be generated.]

[The skill 'Absolute Defense' will be generated.]

[The skill 'Absolute Regeneration' will be generated.]

As Lexus saw the notifications, he suddenly felt something in his body. He could clearly feel his heart was undergoing some transformation. Fortunately, he didn't feel any pain anymore but only a great discomfort.

After a while, the discomfort faded as his heart stabilized. He could feel his heartbeat clearly. Even the blood flowing from his heart to his blood vessels had changed. Lexus didn't know the right word to describe it, but all he felt was better. Better than before, and his body felt stronger than before.

[Dragon Fear - Lv.Max]

Rating: Myth

[Allows a dragon to exert immense pressure on his surrounding area, strong enough to paralyze and throw even the most powerful transcedents into confusion and mentally attack them and the Dragon's Pressure allows to exert immense force in the physical plane by just exerting himself.

The power of an absolute species. The targets with a lower status than yourself will lose the will to resist. Targets that lose their will to resist will have their defense and magic resistance significantly reduced and their weaknesses will be exposed.

Skill Resources Consumed: 40,000 Mana per Second.

Cooldown Time: None.]

[Fire Dragon's Breath - Lv.1]

Rating: Myth

[Instantly releases magic power, dealing fixed damage equal to 50 times the amount of intelligence to all beings in its path.

The higher the user's status, the greater the damage. There will be an absolute hit rate correction due to the high speed.

Dramatically reduces the target's magic resistance the moment the target is hit. The penetration and multiple hits effects will occur.

Skill Resources Consumed: 250,000 Mana.

Skill Cooldown Time: 25 minutes.]

Then, Lexus had the urge to try casting Fireball (Enhanced). Before he could fire, a notification appeared.

[The nature of your magic spells has changed.]

[Your spell's nature will be changed to Dragon Magic.]

[Dragon Magic - Lv.Max]

Rating: Myth

[Dragons are magical beings that can manipulate magic with the draconic elements in a various offensive and defensive styles. Draconic elements are elements that are either produced by dragons or elements infused with draconic power.

Skill Resources Consumed: Vary

Cooldown Time: Vary.]

Converting his magic attributes into draconic attributes, increased the damage that his magic will deal. Meaning if he had this skill, his magic damage will increase by at least two times than his normal damage or even more than that. With this, his fire magic spells and skills will be converted to fire dragon attribute magic damage resulting in the damage of any skills classified as the fire attribute will be doubled or even tripled.

[Absolute Defense - Lv.Max]

Rating: Myth

[The power of an absolute species.

Completely immune to attacks from targets with a lower status than yourself and damage resistance will temporarily increase if the immunity fails.

Skill Resources Consumed: 50,000 Mana per Second.

Cooldown Time: None.]

Lexus smiled now that he also had this skill, it increases his survival rate by a large margin. Well he might not really bothered by death but having this effects sounds cool for him.

[Absolute Regeneration - Lv.Max]

Rating: Myth

[The power of an absolute species.

Regardless of the damage you sustain, even if you are on the brink of death, your body and spirit will regenerate. Speed up self-healing when injured regardless of the damage you sustain, your body and mana regeneration will be enhanced.

Skill Resources Consumed: None.

Cooldown Time: None.]

Also with this, the increase in his health and magic regeneration, Lexus didn't need to bring so many healing and mana potion with him as he could just rely on this effect saving him many gold coins in the future.