A new Feature

As Kate reclined on her bed, her mind buzzed with thoughts about the recent synthesis between the Void Archives and the Gate of Babylon. "The Void Archives absorbed the Gate of Babylon and created a whole new room for it," she mused, visualizing the process in her mind. "Now, every single item on the GoB is stored within the Void Archives."

Kate gazed up at the ceiling, contemplating the implications of this fusion. "I can still use the GoB with no changes," she realized, relieved by the continuity of functionality. "It's just that the GoB is now inside of the Void Archives."

Lost in thought, Kate envisioned the organization of her newly integrated inventory. "A single book has 100 pages," she mentally calculated, envisioning the layout. "The front page shows the item, while the back shows the details about that item." With this understanding, Kate felt a sense of satisfaction.

"With this, I can now learn the mysteries of Gilgamesh's treasure," Kate thought to herself. She opened the Anchored Universe Leaf on her CCC tab and pressed the "I'm an Evil God" button. As soon as she pressed it, the bed she was laying on cracked again, and she fell into a lightless abyss.

"THIS AGAIN!!" Kate shouted as she plummeted into the darkness. The sensation of falling seemed endless, and she braced herself for what lay at the bottom, knowing that this was the start of another adventure in a different universe.

Outskirts of the Imperial City, Kate fell down close to a cave. "Is this it?" she said, looking around. "Where am I?" Kate asked herself. "When I travel to another Universe Leaf, I always get transported close to the main character, but this time, is it different?" she thought.

"Based on what I read, the powerhouses in this world are strong, or at least that's what it felt like through the panels of the manhua," Kate mused, opening a Gate in front of her. She stepped cautiously, summoning her senses to assess any immediate threats. The air was thick with energy, a sign that powerful beings were indeed nearby.

Kate opened a single Gate of Babylon to illuminate the dimly lit cave. "This place is dangerous, too dangerous for someone low-ranked like me," she muttered to herself. She opened another Gate of Babylon in front of her, and the key Bab-Ilu came out. Grabbing the key, she used it on the gate she just opened.

"Looks like I'll need you," Kate thought as she summoned the greatest treasure Gilgamesh ever collected. "With the help of that mysterious being and the editing of my data, I can use this weapon." Kate summoned Ea, the Sword of Rupture, its immense power radiating through the cave.

With Ea in her grasp, Kate felt a surge of confidence. "This should level the playing field," she said, her voice echoing in the cavern. She took a step forward, the light from Ea guiding her path, ready to face whatever dangers this new world had in store for her.

The appearance of EA shook the world, the sudden manifestation of an Anti-World Rank Item being sensed by the Wendao Sect And scaring the Planet itself. As Kate walked towards the exit of the cave, wielding Ea, she felt the urgency of her mission.

"I have an hour to stay in this Universe Leaf. I need to find Xie Yan as soon as possible," Kate thought to herself, her steps quickening. The immense power of Ea illuminated her path, casting long shadows on the cave walls as she moved with determination. Each step took her closer to her goal, the weight of her task pressing heavily on her mind.

Exiting the cave, Kate scanned her surroundings, hoping to catch any sign of Xie Yan. The world outside was vast and unfamiliar, but with Ea's power, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Xie Yan must be around here somewhere," she whispered to herself, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the task at hand. The clock was ticking, and she had no time to waste.

But then Kate saw someone jumping through the air with their bare strength. "Hmm? Who's that?" Kate thought to herself. Seconds later, the figure arrived at the entrance of the cave where Kate stood. "Someone is here," the female said, noticing Kate. It took Kate a moment to realize who was standing in front of her. "Xie Yan?" she asked, surprising the person, who was still in his Princess Xilan Wei disguise.

When Xie Yan heard what Kate said, he was dumbfounded. He immediately took a stance, ready to eliminate Kate. "Perfect timing! I'm searching for you, Xie Yan. My name is Kate Apocalypse, this branch's Archiver. Nice to meet you," Kate introduced herself and bowed elegantly, surprising Xie Yan and making him think twice.

Xie Yan's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "How do you know my name? And what do you want from me?" he demanded, not lowering his guard.

"I have information that could be valuable to you and your goals," Kate replied calmly, straightening up from her bow. "I mean no harm. My purpose is purely to archive and understand the events that unfold in this world."

Xie Yan hesitated, his mind racing. The presence of Ea in Kate's hand was undeniable proof of her power, and her confident demeanor suggested she wasn't someone to be taken lightly. "Alright," he said cautiously, "you have my attention. Speak."

"Xie Yan is a very cautious person. This man is probably planning something," Kate thought to herself. She maintained her composed demeanor, aware of the delicate situation.

"Mr. Xie, as I mentioned before, I am an Archiver of this branch of the Universal Tree," Kate began, watching Xie Yan's reaction closely. "I know you are aware of the multiverse due to your reincarnation here. I also know all of your powers, and I would like you to write them all down in this book."

With a flick of her wrist, Kate opened a gate, and a single book emerged, floating in front of her. She held it out towards Xie Yan, her eyes steady and sincere.

Xie Yan's eyes narrowed further as he scrutinized Kate. "You claim to know all about me and my powers," he said slowly, not moving to take the book. "Why should I trust you? What do you gain from this?"

Kate met his gaze without flinching. "I understand your skepticism. Trust is not easily given, especially in your circumstances. What I gain is knowledge and the fulfillment of my duty as an Archiver. My role is to document and preserve the histories and abilities of significant individuals across different universes. Your cooperation will ensure that your legacy is accurately recorded."

Xie Yan's stance remained guarded, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. "And what do I get in return for sharing my secrets with you?"

Kate smiled slightly. "In return, I can offer you insights into other universes and their power structures. Information that could be crucial for your goals. Additionally, having your powers documented ensures that they are acknowledged and respected by those who study these records in the future."

Xie Yan considered her words carefully. The offer of valuable information was tempting, and Kate's calm demeanor suggested she was speaking the truth. Finally, he nodded. "Very well. I will write down my abilities in your book. But know this, Kate Apocalypse, if I find out you've deceived me, there will be consequences."

Kate nodded in agreement, holding out the book for Xie Yan. "I understand. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Xie. Let's make this a mutually beneficial exchange."

Xie Yan took the book, his eyes never leaving Kate's. "Let's begin," he said, his voice steady but wary. "But remember, I'm watching you closely."

Xie Yan began writing in the book Kate had given him. The silence hung in the air until he broke it. "So, why did you take an interest in me?"

Kate, observing his meticulous writing, responded, "I'm also currently doing what you're doing, Mr. Xie."

"You mean, this is a small world for you?" Xie Yan asked, his tone tinged with surprise.

"Yes, in a way," Kate replied, her gaze steady.

Xie Yan paused, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"I'm one of the outer beings," Kate explained. "We don't really belong to any universe, but we're allowed to do anything we want in our respective branch."

Xie Yan's writing slowed as he processed her words. "Will I be transported to the universe you're residing in?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"No," Kate replied, shaking her head. "The power level of that universe is too high, so you won't be."

Xie Yan's brow furrowed slightly. "Then, what is your purpose here?"

Kate smiled faintly. "As I mentioned before, my role is to document and preserve the histories and abilities of significant individuals across different universes. You, Mr. Xie, are one such individual. Your abilities and journey are of great interest."

He nodded slowly, resuming his writing. "And what happens after you've documented everything?"

Kate considered her words carefully. "After that, I will return to my duties, ensuring that your legacy is accurately recorded and preserved. My presence here doesn't alter your destiny; it simply ensures that your story is remembered."

Xie Yan finished writing, closed the book, and handed it back to Kate. "I see. I suppose having someone record my journey isn't so bad, as long as you stay true to your word."

Kate took the book with a nod. "I will. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Xie. I believe this will be a mutually beneficial exchange."

Xie Yan's gaze softened slightly, though his caution remained. "Very well, Kate. I hope your presence here brings more knowledge than trouble."

Kate smiled. "That is my intention. Farewell for now, Mr. Xie. Until we meet again."

With that, Kate turned and walked away, her mind already racing with the implications of her interactions in this universe.

"What a mysterious person," Xie Yan thought, watching Kate walk away.

After some time, Kate pressed the Return button on her CCC. The ground beneath her began to crack again, but unlike last time, she remained standing, deep in thought. "The next time I visit this world, I must bring new information to finish my end of the deal," Kate mused.

Not long after, she found herself back on her bed in the temporary house. The transition was seamless, almost as if no time had passed at all. She lay there for a moment, reflecting on the encounter with Xie Yan and the implications of their exchange.

"I need to prepare better for my next visit," Kate thought to herself, staring at the ceiling. "There's so much more to learn and understand. This journey is only beginning."

With a sigh, she closed her eyes, letting the comfort of her bed envelop her. The adventures across different universes were exhausting, but they also filled her with a sense of purpose and excitement. She drifted off to sleep, her mind already planning her next steps.

The next day, Kate woke up with determination. "I'll practice the technique Xie Yan gave me," she thought to herself. After getting ready, she sat on her bed and started to read the techniques of Xie Yan. "First, I need to learn the Finger of Flowery Swords. It's mentioned that it can only be practiced by handsome men, but with the CCC system, I can customize the technique to recognize me as a man," Kate said, opening the screen of her CCC.

"First, I need to put the technique in the slot. After that, the description and requirements will appear," Kate thought to herself while doing it. But then she saw a requirement. "I see, I expected that something like this would appear, but to think that I need to sacrifice 100 years of my lifespan is just too much," Kate said, looking at her character panel and seeing that she had 128 years of life left. "Since I have 28 more years, then okay, I accept," Kate pressed the accept button.

After pressing the button, Kate suddenly felt a searing pain all over her body. Her nose, ears, and eyes started to bleed, and she began to cough blood. "The effect on my body is too severe. It hurts," Kate thought while suffering.

Her body convulsed as the technique began to integrate into her being. The pain was excruciating, like her very essence was being rewritten. Every second felt like an eternity, but she held on, driven by her resolve to master the technique.

Minutes stretched into hours as the process continued. Kate's vision blurred, her mind teetering on the edge of consciousness. Yet, amidst the agony, she focused on the goal ahead: mastering the Finger of Flowery Swords and becoming stronger.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the pain began to subside. Kate lay on her bed, drenched in sweat and blood, her body trembling from the ordeal. "It's done," she thought weakly. "The technique... it's finally mine."

She slowly sat up, wiping the blood from her face. Despite the pain, she felt a newfound power coursing through her veins. "I did it," Kate whispered to herself, a faint smile forming on her lips. "I really did it."

Exhausted but triumphant, she closed her eyes, letting the darkness of sleep claim her. Tomorrow, she would begin to harness her new abilities and continue her journey to become stronger.