The Founding (V)

Kate thought to herself, "The Dark Seed should be there." As the ship of light hovered above Cloud's End Peak, she prepared herself for the next encounter. "There should be someone protecting it," she mused, readying herself to meet this guardian.

Without hesitation, Kate stepped off the edge of the ship and let herself fall. The wind rushed past her as she descended rapidly, her eyes scanning the peak below for any sign of the guardian.

As she neared the ground, she spotted an imposing figure standing amidst the swirling mists of Cloud's End Peak. With a graceful twist, Kate landed softly on her feet, her eyes locked onto the guardian.

Back in the Universe of Martial Peak, in the place where Kate disappeared, a tense discussion was underway.

"What's going on?" Yang Kai asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"Based on her reaction, she knew this would happen," Su Yan replied, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Jumping through the void is not that special of a technique, but the way she did it is different," Treasurer Meng noted, his brows furrowed in thought.

"What should we do with her?" the Sect Master asked, turning to the others for input.

"What did she tell you in the main hall?" Yang Kai inquired, looking directly at Su Yan.

Su Yan sighed, recalling the recent events. "It's about her. Her mysterious appearance and her abilities are just too enigmatic. We asked her about it, and she claimed to come from the future, aiming to change a tragic destiny that awaits you, Yang Kai."

Yang Kai's eyes widened. "The future? What else did she say?"

"She said that you would eventually break through to the Creation Realm but would be killed in a battle against forces from another universe. She sacrificed a lot to come back and change that fate," Su Yan explained, her voice heavy with the weight of the revelation.

Treasurer Meng added, "She also demonstrated a power beyond our understanding a sword named Ea that could destroy anything without using Qi."

The Sect Master nodded, deep in thought. "Her actions and claims are extraordinary. If what she says is true, she might be an invaluable ally. But if she's deceiving us, she could be a great threat."

"We need to find out more about her," Yang Kai said firmly. "We can't just leave it at this. If she's telling the truth, we need to understand her purpose and how she plans to change the future."

"Agreed," Su Yan said. "But we also need to be cautious. Her powers and knowledge are beyond anything we've encountered."

"I'll start by investigating any traces of her energy," Treasurer Meng volunteered. "If she traveled through the void, there might be residual signs we can study."

The Sect Master nodded. "Do that. In the meantime, we must continue our own cultivation and prepare for whatever might come. If Kate's warnings hold any truth, we have much to do to ensure our future."

With their course of action decided, the group dispersed, each lost in their own thoughts about the mysterious Kate Apocalypse and the uncertain future she hinted at.

"She's changing the future for me?" Yang Kai thought to himself, his mind racing with questions and uncertainties. "What are you planning, Kate?" he wondered, feeling a mix of concern and curiosity about her true intentions.

"What did she sacrifice?" Yang Kai asked Su Yan, unable to contain his curiosity.

Su Yan was taken aback by Yang Kai's sudden question. "I can't tell you that," she replied, her voice firm yet gentle. "If what she said is true, then knowing the truth will be bad for everyone."

"Stop asking about it, brat," Treasurer Meng interjected, his tone gruff but concerned. "There are things better left unknown, especially if they could disrupt your focus and cultivation."

"Just focus on your cultivation, Grand Disciple," the Sect Master advised, his voice carrying the weight of authority and wisdom. "The Creation Realm Kate mentioned is still a long way to go. You have many trials and hardships ahead before you reach such a stage."

Yang Kai took a deep breath, absorbing their words. "I understand," he said, though the questions still lingered in his mind. "I'll focus on my cultivation and trust that everything will become clear in time."

"Good," Su Yan said, giving him an encouraging smile. "We'll face whatever comes together. For now, let's all continue our training and be prepared for any challenges."

With a determined nod, Yang Kai resolved to push forward, knowing that his path was fraught with challenges and mysteries yet to be unraveled. The image of Kate and her enigmatic mission stayed with him, a reminder that the future held many unknowns, but also the promise of great potential.

Kate sat inside the Ship of Light, her thoughts racing as she looked at the transfer time limit. "I finally finished my goal for this transfer," she said to herself, feeling a mix of relief and determination.

"Every time I transfer to a universe, the time limit doubles and the cooldown period too," she pondered. "And while inside a universe I've transferred into, I can't get out until the time is up." The constraints of her ability weighed on her, but she knew she had to make the most of the time she had.

Kate made her way to her room on the ship, resolving to practice the Eight Difficulties Demonic Technique. "I'll just practice and master it," she decided, preparing herself for intense cultivation.

"With the help of the Void Archive, I can practice any technique by just understanding it," she thought, grateful for the vast repository of knowledge at her disposal. As she began her training, she focused her mind on mastering the technique, knowing that it was crucial for her future plans.

"I still have a year left before I go back," she reminded herself, determined to use every moment wisely. She closed her eyes and entered a deep meditative state, channeling her energy and concentration into perfecting the Eight Difficulties Demonic Technique. The power and complexity of the technique demanded her full attention, but Kate was resolute.

As the days turned into weeks, Kate's mastery of the technique grew. She could feel herself becoming stronger, more attuned to the intricacies of the demonic energy she wielded. The Void Archive provided her with insights and guidance, helping her to refine her skills and push her limits.

Time passed, and with each passing day, Kate's confidence in her abilities grew. She knew that when the year was up, she would return stronger, more capable, and ready to face whatever challenges awaited her. The future was uncertain, but Kate was determined to shape it according to her will, no matter the cost.

After a long and arduous journey of cultivation, Kate finally opened her eyes, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment. "I'm done. It took me a long time, but I've finally mastered everything!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Reflecting on her progress, she recounted, "It took me four months to master the True Art of Mara, two months for the Eight Difficulties Demonic Technique, and another four months to master all six branches of the Xin Mo Sect's Mantra of the Inner Demons of the Six Desires."

Filled with a renewed sense of purpose and energy, Kate skipped excitedly through the hallway towards the control room of the Ship of Light. Her heart was light, and her mind was sharp, ready to tackle whatever came next.

Upon entering the control room, she activated the ship's systems, feeling a rush of anticipation. The familiar hum of the ship's engines greeted her, a comforting reminder of the vessel that had become her sanctuary during her intense training.

"Time to plan the next steps," Kate thought to herself, her mind already racing with possibilities. With her newfound powers and mastery over formidable techniques, she felt prepared to face any challenges and alter the course of the future as she saw fit.

She checked the transfer timer, noting that she still had a significant amount of time left in this universe. "I have to make the most of it," she mused, considering her next move. There were still many mysteries to unravel and alliances to forge.

Kate stood in the control room, contemplating her next move. "No, I better start that," she thought to herself. She opened a single gate, and five sets of cards emerged, each set radiating a distinct aura of power and potential.

"Should I use all of them now?" Kate wondered as she grabbed and activated the first set of cards. The first set contained three cards titled the Balance of Power.

The first card read: "Multiply the Damage of a Chosen Element by two."

The second card stated: "You will have the Cup of Synthesization and use it five times."

The third card proclaimed: "You will choose someone as your Weakness and will have the option for your Small World's Customization."

The third card intrigued Kate the most. "The third card is the best choice for this, and there is no reasoning it's just a gut feeling. And because it's me, all customization is good," she said to herself.

With a resolute nod, she declared, "I choose the third card." As soon as she made her choice, the third card transformed into a brilliant light and entered Kate's body, while the other two cards disintegrated into ashes.

A wave of power surged through Kate as the card's effects took hold. She felt a connection forming within her, a link to a future customization of her Small World. The possibilities were endless, and she could already envision the enhancements she would make.

"Now that the first set of cards is done, I should start with the second set," Kate said, activating the second set of cards. Three cards floated in front of her, revealing the set title: The Isolation Set.

The first card read: "World Isolation Barrier Technique."

The second card stated: "The Sword of Isolation."

The third card proclaimed: "The Isolation of One's Heart."

"What is this third card?" Kate wondered aloud, intrigued by its mysterious name. "I pick the third card," she declared.

As soon as she made her choice, the third card transformed into a brilliant light and entered Kate's body, while the other two cards disintegrated into ashes.

A strange, soothing sensation spread through her chest, and she felt a profound change deep within her. She could sense the power of the card taking effect, wrapping around her soul and creating a barrier that shielded her emotions and thoughts.

"The Isolation of One's Heart," Kate mused. "This power must allow me to protect my mind and emotions from external influence. It could make me immune to manipulation or emotional attacks."

With her newfound ability, Kate felt more composed and centered, ready to face any challenge without being swayed by fear or doubt. She knew this power would be invaluable in her journey, especially when dealing with powerful enemies who could otherwise exploit her emotions.

Kate pondered the unexpected developments. The discovery of a hidden book within her heart and the appearance of a red Qi forming a small dagger had taken her by surprise.

"What is this book?" she wondered aloud. "And this red Qi... it must be related to the weakness specified by the card."

Kate examined the dagger closely, understanding that it represented a significant choice. "This dagger means I have to choose one person who will be immune to all my techniques. I need to be very careful about this decision."

Realizing the magnitude of the choice, Kate thought about the people she knew across various universes. "Absolutely not Yang Kai," she muttered to herself. "He's too important to my plans and future. But who should I choose from the other universes?"

She sat down, closing her eyes, and allowed her thoughts to roam through the many people she had encountered. Various names and faces flashed through her mind, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. She knew the person she chose had to be someone significant, someone she might encounter again, and potentially, someone who could pose a threat if they were immune to her abilities.

Kate stood resolute in the control room of the Ship of Light. "Right!" she exclaimed, determination etched on her face. "I shall take Chu Yuechan with me." The decision was made; her mind was set.

"Find her," she commanded the ship, and it responded instantaneously, altering its course and speeding towards Chu Yuechan's last known location. The ship soared through the skies, its sleek form cutting through the clouds with ease.