(Georgia and Dave coming out of the car)

"I am on my way to school before you guys droved in, so I am going to see you later'' Rosie said

''I just drop Georgia I can't stay long, wish you best of luck with your final exam"Dave said helping Georgia with her bags

"Thanks brother, my regards to your girlfriend tell her I am coming to your home after the final exam" Rosie said

"I thought the exam is today?" Dave asked

" Yes but I am going home to check on mum and dad after the exam, so I will visit you guys the next weekend" Rosie explained to her brother

"Come in let me drop you off at school, Georgia Take good care of yourself, bye for now love" Dave said and enter the car

"Bye bro love you, Rosie are you still coming here today?" Georgia asked

"No, Dad said one of his friends daughter is going to be living with you and the driver is going to park my bags for me " Rosie said and enter Dave's car

"Okay, hope the house is not hungry,bye sis best of luck "


(Georgia dialing Jack's number)

'" Hello Jack, where are you?" Georgia asked

" Hi gee, I am at home, is anyone there with you?" Jack asked

"No, not yet I am just lonely here"she said

" Okay, send me the address ASAP "

"OKAY I will do that right now, are coming now?!" Gee asked

" That depends on you?"

"I will send it now "

hung up


" Are you the only person in this building? jack asked once again

"For now I am the only person living in this house with three rooms" Gee said and continue "My Dad's friends daughter is going to be living here with me"

" I see" Jack said nodding

"Are you sleeping over?" Gee asked

"yes I am sleeping here tonight, infact I am feeling sleepy, please lead me to the bedroom" Jack said standing up and face Gee

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow, just remind me" Jack said

" Okay follow me now I don't know the person that like sleeping between you and My brother" Gee said trying to avoid Jack gaze


" Gee can you please help me with my bag, I forget to carry it in the living room" Jack pleased

" Okay one sec"

" it(she could not believe what her eyes is seeing right now, this is her first time seeing Jack with only boxer, She try not to gaze at him but she could not help, than jack move closer to her)

"I mean no harm" (before he opens his mouth to alter another word, Gee had her mouth on Jack mouth, kissing him hungrily, and Jack kissed her back, Gee pull away from him)

" I'm sorry I lost my control, Good night" Gee said leaving the room