The New Shop

With a blank stare and slightly agape mouth, Cien looked at his new residence. A cabin two stories high and was about tens times the size of the small two-room hut he had built.

'Kirana Shop…'

A hanging wooden sign swings from the roof of the terrace, informing visitors of the shop's name.

It's just…


Cien slammed his phone on the ground with a bang.

"A shop in Death Valley?! Are you kidding me? What crazy person would shop here?!"

Huff… huff… huff…

His chest was rising and falling rapidly. He was grateful for a more comfortable place to live, but turned the place into a shop? Cien feels that God is playing tricks on him.

During the ten years he had been trapped in Death Valley, he could still count the number of people he encountered with ten fingers on his two hands. Oh, that's not quite right, five fingers on one hand.

Yes, Cien has only ever met five people! Two people he met ten years ago, when he first went to the borders of Death Valley. After knowing that he couldn't get out, Cien stayed at the border waiting for someone to come to help him.

Two people came, and promised to bring help from the guild. But, unfortunately, before the help came, Cien was already being pulled by invisible chains on his body and pulled to his hut.

From then on, he never saw those two people again.

The other three people, Cien met when he was hunting for food around his hut. The three people who were adventurers from the guild. The three men were lost in Death Valley, but Cien never asked why they were there. He didn't really care.

Cien told them the route out of Death Valley but with the condition that they carry a message from him to his family in the Westya Kingdom. The three adventurers accepted Cien's request.

But sure enough, about two weeks later when he searched the forest to see the situation around his hut. Only about three hours away from the hut, he found the rotting bodies of the three adventurers.

So, five people met over ten years. Two no news, three dead.

"Mm, it's useless to build a shop here."

Cien picked up his cell phone again, feeling melancholy. It was irrevocable his decision to scan the hut. What had happened, let it happen, he just had to live with it.

Cien observed his cell phone which had been slammed hard. There are not the slightest scratches on the surface of the cell phone body. He then looked at the screen which now no longer only showed text and process bars.

There is an image of the shop front in an animated style and a few icons adorning it. Seeing the new look on the screen, he immediately knew that this was the main page of his game shop.

There are four icons at the very bottom of the screen. The four icons are; Shop, Inventory, Recipes and Gift Boxes.

On the right side, there are three icons, namely Status, Achievement and Camera. While on the left side there is one icon, namely the Calendar.

At the top of the screen, there is a bluish-silver coin symbol with the number 14 next to the coin symbol. Seeing that, Cien immediately realized that the symbol indicated the currency used on the Kastia Continent. Tia Coin. And 14 is the number of coins he has now.

An amount that had never changed since he was trapped for ten years. The coins he had were completely useless in Death Valley.

Cien wants to see the detailed function of each icon on the main page. However, he resisted the urge, and chose to see his new home or shop.

While still holding his cell phone, Cien walked towards his new residence.

The lower part of the shop was constructed of rocks. The upper part is made of wood, and the roof tiles are made of clay.

Cien touched the wooden surface on the front wall of the house, it was very smooth and clean. He couldn't believe how nice a cabin like this could just appear out of his ugly hut.

Cien then opened the door and entered the cabin.

Just entering, Cien found a large room with the glass shop counter arranged in the shape of the letter 'U' with wooden shelves not far behind the glass counter. Just looking at the layout in front of him alone, his eyes already started twitching.

"It really is a shop."

He sighed softly, having to come back to accept the reality of the shop in the middle of the forbidden forest. He then walked inside to see the entire contents of his new store.

On the first floor apart from the shop section, if you enter the door on the left which is behind the window display case, then he will enter a hallway with three doors.

One door on the left, was a workhouse, with a large table in the center of the room and various empty shelves and two small tables at the sides of the room. On a small table, there is one sewing machine.

Looking at the room, he became even more speechless. So he went out and headed for the door at the end of the hall, which led to the bathroom.

He only briefly saw his new bathroom, then moved to the door on the right of the hall. Where instead he came out of the cabin, but not far from the backyard, was another building. It was in the middle between the cabin and the cave entrance.

Curious, Cien walked to the place and found that inside the building there was a kiln, and various tools commonly used by blacksmiths.

"Blacksmith…" Cien picked up his cell phone, "So, not only tailors, blacksmiths too?"

Never in his life had he studied to become a blacksmith. Cien could only sigh softly before walking back into the cabin.

He returned to the main room of the shop, and on the opposite side of the door that led to the hallway. There are two stairs. One up and one down.

Cien chose to explore the basement of the cabin first, and there he found two new rooms.

The first room is the storage room. When Cien entered, the temperature in the room was very cold. As someone who came from a world full of technology, he knew perfectly well that this room had the same function as a refrigerator.

In the room there are many empty shelves. Cien only briefly scanned the entire room from the front door before closing the door again. Nothing interesting there.

Another room in the basement is a room with a large pot in the middle of the room. As well as shelves containing empty glass tubes.

"Alchemy… not just tailoring and blacksmithing, but alchemy too. What kind of shop does this app want to create?"

Cien didn't know what to say. He slowly closed the door without wanting to take a closer look at the items inside. His brain was really dizzy with what to do with these new rooms.

Cien went back up to the main floor, then up to the second floor.

Looking at the room on that floor, a happy smile appeared on his face because the second floor of the cabin was where he would be staying.

On the second floor, apart from the living room, there are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Simple but much better than the huts he made.

Not only that, all the rooms are complete with furniture! When he entered the bedroom, he found a cotton mattress in there. Cien felt that his tears could no longer be held back.

He cried happily and immediately jumped onto the soft bed.

"Ahh~ this is life…"

While lying down comfortably, he took out his cell phone. Now with a big smile, he will try to learn everything his new app can do. For now, he was certain that this phone and the shop were the cheats he had.

"Now, let's see what this app can do."