Arrive Back at the Shop

A sudden burst of fire erupted, instantly engulfing the Lesser Earth Dragon and the surrounding environment. The fire was so intense that the searing heat melted the skin of those behind Cien.

Sravati, Ian, and Legia witnessed the glowing red-orange flames before them. Their mouths gaped open, rendered speechless.

They never expected Cien to unleash such powerful magic. As they watched the still raging fire, Cien's identity grew even more mysterious in the minds of Sravati and the others.

Legia, who was stunned to see the burning Lesser Earth Dragon groan in pain, immediately remembered her partner, Jamie, who should still be in the front.


Legia immediately panicked, and without hesitation, she attempted to go into the blazing fire to search for her friend. However, Cien's hand gripped the woman's shoulder, pulling her back.

"No, Jamie... he's still there!"

"...what are you talking about? He's there," Cien replied, pointing to his right, specifically to the tall bushes where an unconscious man lay.

"...huh? Jamie!"

Upon seeing her comrade, Legia rushed over. She examined Jamie's severely injured state. Several of his ribs were crushed, and his spine appeared to be fractured.

Meanwhile, Cien, after confirming the death of the Lesser Earth Dragon, cast another spell to extinguish the flames he had created.

Cien was actually reluctant to use the Fire Glove because he knew its impact would be extremely detrimental to the forest ecosystem. However, because the monster this time was too dangerous, he was forced to use it.

At the very least, he still had to try to minimize the damage he created.

A magic circle appeared in the sky.


The magic circle transformed into a gathering of dark clouds that immediately released a drizzle of rain, gradually extinguishing the fire below.

After taking care of the fire, Cien walked over to where Legia and Jamie were. He observed the condition of the man lying unconscious there.

Earlier, just before Cien unleashed the [Ignite] spell, he had caught a glimpse of Jamie crawling painstakingly towards his current location.

That was why Cien could release the spell without worrying about burning the man inside it.

However, upon seeing Jamie's current condition, Cien became more convinced that they needed to reach the shop as soon as possible.

Jamie's condition was too severe, if not treated quickly, his life would soon fade away.

Currently, Cien didn't have any Healing Potions left as he had sold them all in Wynteria. However, once they reached the shop, there were still two Healing Potions there.

Cien knew well that the efficacy of the Healing Potions from his shop was superior to those circulating in Kastia.

Even now, Cien could see Legia administering Healing Potion to the wounds on Jamie's body, but it was apparent that the potion was not potent enough to heal his broken bones or injuries.

Before long, the fire was extinguished.

In front of them, Cien could see that an area of about a hundred meters had turned to ash. Not a single tree remained in the burnt area.

In the case of the Lesser Earth Dragon itself, only a few bones, fangs, and claws remained intact. The flesh and everything else had been completely burned away.

Cien felt somewhat regretful about the lost rare materials before him. But what could be said? Even if there were any, he wouldn't be able to carry them.

Cien gathered all the remaining materials from the Lesser Earth Dragon. The quantity wasn't too much, so it didn't trouble him.

Afterward, he invited Sravati and the others to continue their journey.

Cien could sense the unease in Ian and Princess Sravati, who couldn't meet his gaze directly. Cien understood because both of them probably felt guilty for intending to leave him and Legia behind.

Cien had no intention of making an issue out of it, nor did he plan to inform Legia.

To him, conflicts in Death Valley were not a good thing. Let those two, Sravati and Ian, talk to Legia and apologize on their own.

If not, and both of them intended to keep it buried within themselves, that was not a problem. Cien didn't care; he was merely questioning their morals.

This time, the journey to the shop could be considered smooth without any obstacles. Cien, being a veteran of Death Valley, could predict every danger that would come and easily avoid it.

There were no anomalies like the Lesser Earth Dragon they encountered. And about four hours later, they arrived in front of the shop.

The three people who were still conscious, Sravati, Ian, and Legia, couldn't believe that the shop mentioned by Cien actually existed.

'Does he really live in a place like this?' Ian wondered.

'The shop in Death Valley was indeed real... but why did Mr. Millard established a shop in a place like this? …Was he a hermit?'

Sravati wondered, unable to see the profit of running a business in a remote place with no visitors.

Meanwhile, Legia...

"Kirana Shop..." Legia murmured, looking at the wooden sign hanging above the shop's porch. It left her slightly stunned. Perhaps this was fate, she thought, snapping out of her reverie.

The name of the shop is the same as the name of the boss she serves, Commander Kirana Kataleya.

Maybe Kirana is a lucky name for her. That's what crossed Legia's mind. She didn't connect Cien and her boss, maybe having a special relationship.

Well. to her, it wasn't strange to have two people with the same name. At least not for now.

Cien unlocked the shop door and motioned for the three of them to enter.

Sravati and the others hesitantly stepped inside. As they entered, they could see a well-organized and clean interior of the shop.

It was so tidy that almost all the display cases and cabinets in front of them were completely empty.

There were only a few herbs lined up on one shelf and some wooden spears in a corner of the shop. Oh, and there is a greatsword displayed behind a glass case in front of them. Other than that, nothing.


This made it difficult for the three of them to speak. Or perhaps they should have realized that this was the expectation they should have had.

Business in Death Valley wouldn't thrive like in a city or even a small village. So their expectation of a shop filled with goods should never have existed in the first place. In the end, they could only force a stiff smile.

Of course, Cien witnessed their reactions, knowing exactly what they were thinking.

"Just so you know, this shop wasn't this empty before. Various other items have been sold in Wynteria, and I've just returned from there. So the shelves and display cases haven't been restocked yet."

Cien said, giving an excuse so his shop wouldn't look pathetic. Even though the items he sells are not as many as to fill the entire shelf, at least the reasons given are facts. This way, Cien didn't feel like he was lying.


Princess Sravati, upon hearing Cien's explanation, was immediately surprised to hear the name of the city where her house was mentioned by the Shop Owner.

"Ah... yup, Wynteria. I just returned after participating in the Polaris Festival."

"! H-how the situat–"

"Hap!" Cien interrupted the princess' words. Clapped his hand and then he pointed to the upstairs.

"Tend to your wounds first. We can talk about this later after your comrade is through a critical situation," Cien said, pointing to Jamie, who was in Legia's embrace.

Cien then walked over to the shelf, intending to take a Healing Potion and hand it over to Legia. Of course, he had no intention of giving it for free.

However, before he could negotiate with Legia, the sound of knocking on the door was heard.

Knock! Knock!


Cien tilted his head slightly in confusion, before realizing that there is still one man living in the vicinity.

"Come in!" Cien commanded.

The door swung open, revealing a man behind it.

Sravati and the others were startled, as it had not crossed their minds to see another person in this deathly place. It turns out that there are people who actually visited the shop in Death Valley.

"A customer?!" they exclaimed simultaneously.
