Just an Assumption

Midnight in the dining room of Kirana Shop.

Three people sat around the dining table. In front of them were empty plates and bowls. Only a few sips of water remained in the glasses.

Cien finished the water in his glass and then glanced at the two people sitting across from him.

Princess Sravati and Reiss both had a thoughtful expression, as if deeply contemplating something.

The tension that was present between them earlier had dissipated. During their dinner, Cien had pressured Reiss to reveal the reason for his intense hatred towards Princess Sravati.

After hearing Reiss's story, the Princess refused to remain silent and accepted Reiss's accusation that the Kingdom of Huntara had conspired with the demon race from the Abyss.

Sravati proceeded to explain everything that had happened after the Marina forces were massacred by the Blackwinter troops.

This included the baseless accusations spread by Farnodt, claiming that Huntara had betrayed them.

Then the isolation of the Kingdom of Huntara by Farnodt, followed by the mass judgment for Huntara residents in the Farnodt and other kingdoms. And, of course, the fact that Huntara was currently in the midst of a civil war crisis.

Reiss, who listened to all of Princess Sravati's explanations, didn't immediately believe her words.

He believed that the Princess's revelations were merely excuses. Reiss also found it hard to believe that his home kingdom, Farnodt, had committed mass slaughters of Huntara citizens within its borders.

However, unfortunately, Reiss had to accept the fact that the explanation given by Sravati was the truth.

This was assured by Cien, who confirmed several situations revealed by Sravati.

Although the high officials of the Huntara Kingdom had made great efforts to conceal the news of the civil war during the festival, rumors cannot be contained, no matter how hard one side tries to hold it.

Even if it was vague, during Cien's stay in Wynteria, he was well aware of the hidden tension in the faces of the guards who patrolled during the festival.

Not only that, even in the bars, rumors of Blackwinter's betrayal continued to spread.

From all of this, Cien knew that the northern kingdom was facing a major problem that was being covered up.

He just didn't expect that the major problem was the collusion of Lord of Blackwinter with the demon race.


Cien let out a long breath, observing the two people in front of him who remained silent. He got up from his chair to get some water.

But just as Cien stood up from his seat, Princess Sravati spoke up.

"M-Mr. Millard..."

Cien glanced at the hesitant Princess.

"What is it?"

"Umm, I'm sorry, but knowing that you can go to Wynteria and return here like this. Can I assume that Mr. Millard knows the way out of this Death Valley?"

"...I know."

The Princess's eyes instantly lit up, and she stood up, staring at Cien intently.

"Mr. Millard, can you please tell me the way out of here? Hearing about the situation in Wynteria from you is making me more worried about Huntara. I want to return to the kingdom as soon as possible!"

Cien didn't answer directly, he noticed the intense gaze Sravati was giving him.

In his mind, Cien actually didn't understand what the Princess could actually do to handle the current issues in Huntara.

Right now, Cien only saw a girl who seemed eager to embark on an adventure, but without proper preparation and a solid plan.

Why does she want to go home so badly? What can she contribute? What does she expect to achieve by returning? Didn't the Queen of Huntara instruct her to stay in Westya? Why is this girl so impulsive, naive, and innocent?

Many questions arose in Cien's mind as he looked at Sravati's face. He felt that what Sravati was doing at the moment was useless.

However, Cien also didn't want to interfere in the problems faced by Sravati or Reiss. It wasn't his place to undermine the Princess's determination.

In the end, like a merchant, Cien responded to Sravati's request.

"Five hundred Tia."


Princess Sravati was confused, she didn't understand why Cien suddenly mentioned a value.

"The price information of the way out of here. Five hundred Tia. Just like the Healing Potion brought by your subordinate, you have to pay for information as well. I apologize, Your Highness. But this shop is located in Death Valley, and I have to run a shop that is rarely visited by people. And this is one way to do it."

"...ah, no need to apologize, Mr. Millard. I understand. I will certainly pay the price for the information and the Healing Potion used by Legia."

Cien smiled as he listened to Sravati's words. In his heart, he was ecstatic because this way, the bonus mission given by the application would be completed.

"Wait a moment!"

Reiss suddenly interrupted the conversation. He looked at Sravati seriously.

Cien thought that Reiss still hated the Princess just because she was from Huntara. But it seemed that his assumption was wrong.

What Reiss said next made Cien want to slap Reiss's head as hard as he could.

"Princess, you don't have to pay for that information. I have completed the mission from Lord Millard and will obtain the information about the way out of here. If you don't mind, we can leave together."


Cien couldn't believe it. In front of his eyes, the man from Marina had just ruined his business!

On the other hand, Sravati was quite surprised by Reiss's proposal. Seeing no harm in the suggestion, Sravati happily accepted it.

Cien felt his head throbbing with frustration. But he couldn't say anything. At least he would still receive payment for the Healing Potion, and this would keep Sravati as a customer for his shop, which meant his mission would still be completed.

"Why are you suddenly being so kind, Reiss?" Cien asked, somewhat annoyed.

"If what the Princess said is true. If the Farnodt government is persecuting Huntara citizens, I have to admit, there is guilt within me. This might not be able to repay that guilt, but at least I can help. And besides..."

Reiss gazed back at Sravati with a serious look.

"Princess, I plan to straighten out the rumors circulating in Farnodt, and if I cannot do that, just in Marina! And if I succeed, perhaps I can convince the Lord of Marina City to aid Huntara forces against Blackwinter. That way, the traitors will be attacked from two sides, and the goddess of victory will smile on our side!"

Reiss's words were well-received by Princess Sravati. If Reiss's plan came to fruition, the civil war would not last long and would also minimize casualties on the Huntara side.

"Good idea, but in reality, it won't be that simple," Cien interjected, dampening their spirits.

Reiss understood that convincing the Lord of Marina would be extremely difficult, so Cien's statement held some truth.

However, that wasn't the point Cien wanted to make. For him, the current issue was not as simple as a conspiracy between Blackwinter and demons alone.

Among all that Sravati and Reiss had revealed, there was another underlying root to all of this.

"Blackwinter's betrayal is a fact. But this is only known by the higher ups of the Huntara Kingdom and us. Outside of this circle, the fact is still a rumor.

"The problem is, is it only Blackwinter who conspired with the demons? I believe you both realize that Abyss has begun to move. And Blackwinter is merely what's visible for now.

"Take a moment to think about it. The Farnodt Kingdom's decision to prosecute the Huntara citizens on their land can be considered irrational.

"They passed an extreme judgment based solely on circulating rumors, and those rumors came from the perspective of a single soldier," Cien explained, leaning back in his chair.

"Lord Millard... do you mean the Farnodt Kingdom..."

"I don't want to accuse Farnodt, but I'm certain there is a member at the highest level of the government who has a difference in loyalty. That's why I say it will be very difficult for you to provide assistance to Huntara.

"I don't know how the situation is in Marina. However, to send troops to Blackwinter, you would definitely need permission or at least report to the central government of the kingdom. And if my assumption is correct, the rat there will stop your efforts by any means."


"Not only that, looking at it from a geographical perspective, this problem may be bigger than it seems. If my assumption is correct, there should be other forces that—"

Cien suddenly stopped speaking.

'Hm? Why am I explaining my assumptions to them? I'm not a strategist or a high-ranking official of the Farnodt or Huntara Kingdom. Why should I just give them my assumptions? If this assumption is nothing more than an assumption, then I will burden them with a wrong perspective. Not to mention the consequences it will have on this girl will be fatal.'

Cien let out a long sigh.

"Forget what I said earlier, it was just a mere assumption. Both of your kingdoms have their own strategists, I believe they have a clearer understanding of the situation than the opinion of a man who has been stranded here for years."

"No, Mr. Millard. I believe your opinion would be very—" Sravati wanted to continue listening to Cien's opinion on the current situation, but Cien immediately interrupted the Princess.

Truly, if he were in the land of Huntara, Cien's neck might already be on the execution table for repeatedly interrupting someone from the royal family.

"Stop. It's better, Your Highness, to take a rest. It's already late at night, and I myself am very tired. But before that..."

Cien turned to Reiss, "Maybe I should first complete this transaction that's been delayed for weeks."