Cien still couldn't believe that he would encounter the figure he had recently been wondering about.
Honestly, after seeing that status, Cien could say that Asmodeus was truly a demon too powerful to handle. He was a monster.
Cien also realized one thing. In the status, there was a mention of Asmodeus' title, stating that the demon was a General of Abyss.
That means, he is equivalent to A'wan, who according to the Legia story, was also a general from the Abyss.
The problem here is if Asmodeus really is a general, then where are his demon forces?
A'wan had thousands of troops, capable of rivaling a general from Huntara. A'wan only lost because of the deadly poison from Bluminous.
Furthermore, if King Abayomi is Asmodeus, then where is the original king? Since when has Asmodeus been masquerading as King Mandora?
Could this be related to Duke Bahman's illness?
Cien's mind now feels like a storm is raging.
He suddenly doesn't understand the situation unfolding around him. And all of this is because of one unexpected figure that he has just discovered.
'It would be better if that figure were a lowly noble, but a king?! What is actually happening in Mandora?!'
Cien doesn't even think about taking pictures of the other VIP guests anymore.
He feels a heavy pressure weighing on him. A pressure that lets him know that Ashur is currently not a safe place.
He wants to do something, but going against a figure with the Rank Queen? No matter how strong Cien is with his magical items, he wouldn't last a minute against Asmodeus.
Cien gritted his teeth. Suddenly, he remembered Dion.
Cien swiftly opened the camera feature again and took a photo of Duke Bahman's son.
Dion Bahman (23)
Rank 2 Middle Class
Hypnotized by Asmodeus
Skills: Mana Manipulation (Novice), Earth Magic (Novice), Basic Mandora Martial Arts (Competent), Royal Draught Sword Art (Novice).
"So, this is how he changed. Hypnotized by Asmodeus... What does this Demon General want?"
Everything Cien saw now was connected to Asmodeus. Well, except for the Millard Family... or was it? Cien became doubtful.
He had already seen Raphael and Edmond's statuses earlier, and there was nothing suspicious there.
However, considering Edmond's behavior, which resembled that of a beast driven solely by lust, Cien felt that there was a connection to Asmodeus.
Asmodeus, someone whose skills included [Prince of Lust].
Could Asmodeus have influenced Edmond?
No. Cien shook his head.
If there was indeed something, it should have appeared on his cell phone's status.
But... Cien couldn't shake off the fact that maybe Asmodeus and Edmond had some kind of connection. He just didn't know what it was.
Thinking about lust. The Asmodeus he remembered from his past life might be the same as the one in front of him now. Both of them were capable of controlling human desires.
In his previous world, if Cien recalled correctly, it was said that if someone engaged in adultery or had a physical relationship with someone other than their spouse, they were influenced by Asmodeus.
Back then, it was just a myth. But in Kastia... maybe the Asmodeus in front of him could actually do it.
Cien immediately held his head. The dreaded headache returned. He was truly confused about what he should do after learning this information.
Should he act indifferent and not care about Asmodeus at all? After all, Cien would only stay in Ashur for a few more days.
Or should he care about the fate of the people of Ashur?
Even if he and the people of Ashur knew the true identity of King Abayomi, they couldn't do anything about it.
Confronting and exposing him? They would end up dead!
Not to mention, he didn't know Asmodeus's plans. It's possible that Asmodeus was just stopping by Ashur and would return to the capital of Mandora.
Unfortunately, the main problem remained unchanged. Asmodeus still ruled over the Land of Sand.
"Ugh, this is frustrating."
The balcony door was open.
Two servants entered, carrying Cien's order. One of the servants, who served on the balcony before, brought a pitcher of water.
She placed a glass on a small table next to Cien's chair and poured water into it.
"Here you go, sir."
"Hmm, thank you."
Cien replied without paying much attention to the servants. He was still preoccupied with the storm in his mind.
He took the glass of water, drinking it to ease his emotions.
Cien let out a long sigh. He looked down, observing the bustling auction scene with buyers bidding against each other.
Cien had lost track of how many auction items had been sold down there. His mind was preoccupied with that damned demon in front of him.
'Perhaps I should talk to Halima about this.'
Cien thought as he finished the water in his glass.
The servant with the pitcher promptly refilled the empty glass.
Absorbed in his thoughts, Cien drank again, unaware that this cycle continued until the pitcher was almost empty.
"Is there anything I can assist you with, sir?"
Sensing that the VIP guest she was serving was completely oblivious to the auction, the servant felt that something was amiss.
Despite Cien's appearance, which should have raised suspicion, the servant knew that VIP tickets were not easily obtained. So they understood the importance of the person in front of them.
One of the servants was afraid that her service might be displeasing to the important guest.
But far from what she had anticipated, Cien's next words made her slightly stunned.
"Can you wrap up all this food? There's something else I need to do right now."
Cien spoke as he pulled out some coins from his pocket and handed them to the servants as a tip.
Upon seeing the tip given by Cien, the three women were surprised. It was given in a small cloth bag, which appeared quite bulging.
The amount of coins inside was certainly not small. Without thinking twice, all three of them immediately followed Cien's command.
They neatly wrapped up all the food, even adding dishes that Cien hadn't ordered.
Once they finished, Cien took his order and cast a final glance at the auction, where everyone's gaze was focused on the main stage.
Then Cien turned to the balcony where Asmodeus was. When his eyes reached there, he froze.
His gaze met the eyes of the fake King Mandora.
Both individuals stared at each other in silence, as if examining the person before them.
Cien then noticed a slight frown on the face of the supposed King Mandora.
Cold sweat began to trickle down Cien's neck.
He felt that his presence was starting to arouse suspicion from the demon. Cien averted his gaze and looked at his servants.
"I'm going to leave. Please convey my regards to your master. Let him know that I will come tomorrow or the day after."
Cien gradually left the auction building.
As soon as he stepped outside, Cien ran towards a secluded alley. There, he retrieved his coffin and, then leaping from rooftop to rooftop.
He started running and jumping over the buildings in front of him, heading north. To the place where Bahman's residence was located.
Back inside the auction house.
After Cien's departure, King Mandora, or Asmodeus, who had exchanged glances with the cloaked figure on the balcony, his face instantly contorted.
He had no knowledge of the cloaked figure's presence throughout the auction.
He only became aware when he sensed movement on one of the balconies. As he looked in that direction, he saw a pair of eyes from the cloaked individual staring back at him without blinking.
He returned the gaze, feeling his status as a king (albeit a false one) being diminished.
However, as they locked eyes, Asmodeus, who began scrutinizing the cloaked figure, was suddenly overcome with a shiver.
Asmodeus could sense a thick aura of death emanating from the cloaked figure.
The aura of death was even comparable to, if not denser than, that of Demon General himself. It was something he rarely encountered.
But what made him shudder was not just that.
It was a faint aura enveloping the figure. So faint that it would easily go unnoticed if one was not attentive.
An incredibly chilling aura. An aura that might originate from a superior being.
Asmodeus could say with certainty that the vague aura was even more terrifying than his own master, the Demon King.
His skill, [King's Aura], seemed like that of a child in comparison to that aura. It caused his body to shudder, almost freezing in place.
'This... is dangerous.' Asmodeus thought to himself.
He then snapped his fingers, summoning one of his personal guards who stood alert behind him.
"What can I assist you with, Your Majesty?"
"Did you see the person on the balcony there?" Asmodeus inquired.
King Abayomi points to the place previously occupied by Cien.
The guard frowned, recalling that the person who was there earlier was completely covered in a robe.
He had observed that person closely when they arrived at the auction, finding the robed figure suspicious.
However, after some time, the robed individual didn't do anything suspicious, so he disregarded it.
But now, where did that person go? The guard was stunned.
"I remember, Your Majesty. The person with the robe that covered his entire body," he said.
King Abayomi nodded.
"Hmm, do you know his identity?"
"No, Your Majesty."
"Then find out. I want to know the identity of this person by tomorrow morning!"
The guard immediately became serious, realizing that the issue of that person's identity was not to be taken lightly if his king wanted to know it promptly.
"It will be done immediately, Your Majesty."
Back to Cien.
He ran relentlessly to the place where Halima was. He arrived at the residence in less than fifteen minutes.
There were still many vigilant guards, just like before.
However, this time they didn't inquire about Cien's identity. When the figure in the cloak said he wanted to speak with Halima, the guards, without questioning, immediately allowed Cien to enter.
Halima had given them instructions. She instructed them to allow the cloaked figure to enter whenever he arrived, with an additional command for the guards to keep Cien's arrival a secret.
One guard guided Cien to Halima's office.
Even though it was late at night, Halima continued working to prepare the antidote.
She planned the list of necessary funds, the alchemists to be contacted, the merchants to be met, and so on.
While in the middle of writing a letter to an alchemist, Halima heard a knock on her door.
"Come in."
"Ma'am, there's a visitor who wishes to meet with you."
"Who is it?"
"Little C."
"Ah, tell him to come in!"
Shortly after, Halima saw Cien enter, as usual carrying the peculiar box.
Seeing Cien, Halima couldn't contain her smile. She wanted to ask Cien why they had come.
But when she saw Cien's face after removing his hood and scarf, and noticed the somber expression on her friend's face, Halima fell silent.
She knew that Cien had something serious to discuss.
"What is it, Little C?"
"There's a problem... A problem that may determine Mandora's fate."