
The next day, after dawn.

Cien was ready to depart. He had spent the past week crafting all the weapons he could create.

Among the weapons he planned to bring were a bow and various types of magic arrows, the Hellteak spear, Fire Glove, Fire Sword, Ice Wand, Blackwood Dagger, an regular iron sword, kitchen knives from his shop, and lastly, a unique weapon he had successfully crafted and named Woodbelisk.



Quality: High

Rarity: Legendary

Skills: Giganta, Weighted Curse, Unbreakable, Physical Amplification

A magical staff made from Hellteak Wood and the backbone of a Quake Rhino Raptor.

The fusion of Hellteak Wood and Quake Rhino Raptor's bone made this staff one of the hardest objects in the world.

Despite its hardness, the Woodbelisk remains surprisingly lightweight, just like an ordinary wooden staff, due to the nature of Hellteak Wood.

Crafted by Cien Millard.


Woodbelisk was a magical wooden staff, and with the presence of its Mana Core, Cien could use the staff's skill without expending his own mana.

The staff had four skills.

The first was Giganta, which allowed the staff to grow larger and longer multiple times, depending on the amount of mana its user utilized.

As Cien read through the description of Woodbelisk, he couldn't help but be reminded of Sun Wukong's Ruyi Jingu Bang.

The difference was that his staff could only enlarge and couldn't shrink to be concealed in his ear. Really unfortunate.

The second skill, Weighted Curse, was particularly fearsome.

It inflicted a heavy burden curse on the enemy, starting at twice the weight of their body and doubling it with each subsequent strike from the staff.

This made the skill truly terrifying, as it could crush even the mightiest foe under its weight.

The third skill, Unbreakable, lived up to its name due to the combination of its main materials.

The staff became one of the hardest objects in the world, rendering it impervious to destruction and unaffected by elemental conditions like fire, poison, ice, electricity, and more.

Lastly, the Physical Amplification skill acted as a bonus, empowering the user and enhancing their abilities when using the staff.

Cien honestly did not expect to create a magic weapon like this.

Just like Crimsonagin, this staff had slightly deviated from the original recipe.

In the original recipe, there was no mention of Weighted Curse. Instead, it had a skill called Quake, which could cause the area within fifty meters to tremor intensely.

Upon investigation, Cien discovered that the change occurred because he substituted one ingredient in the recipe.

Instead of using wood from the World Tree, as required, he used Hellteak wood.

For a long time, Cien had somewhat underrated the value of Hellteak wood.

However, in truth, it was equivalent, if not more valuable than the wood from the World Tree. This was due to Hellteak wood absorbing the aura of Hela for hundreds of years.

This was why during the crafting process, the Quake skill merged with Hela's dark element and evolved into the Weighted Curse skill.

After realizing this, Cien recalled some of the magic weapons he had made.

Bluminous, Crimsonagin and Woodbelisk. All of them were made from Hellteak, and all of them possessed some kind of darkness elemental skills

It seems that in the future, Cien will have to think carefully before using this wood from Death Valley as a magic weapon material.

He fears will create something with a deadly curse, which will affect the weapon wielder, the enemies or even the world.

In addition to Woodbelisk, Cien crafted several new magic weapons, although none were as unique as Woodbelisk. In terms of quality, these new weapons were on par with the Fire Glove.

The first of these new weapons was the Fire Sword.

The hilt of the sword was adorned with five small Mana Cores. When activated, each core could release a flying sword attack called [Fire Slash], with the power equivalent to a Rank 2 attack.

If all the cores were used together, it could create a slash as powerful as a Rank 10 attack.

The second weapon was the Ice Wand.

This magic wand could unleash the spell [Ice Spear], but unlike the Fire Glove and Fire Sword, its attacks were limited to the strength of a Rank 3 attack.

The Ice Wand had only one Mana Core, serving as the handle, while the tip was made from the ribs of a Snow Tiger.

The user of this weapon can unleash as many [Ice Spear] attacks as possible until the mana in the Mana Core runs out.

As additional information, Cien made two Fire Swords and six Ice Wands.

He lent one Ice Wand to each person joining him on the quest, while he gave Kirana a Fire Sword as her second weapon.

The rest of the weapons, he put in a coffin, which this time was modified. Cien has added a few tricks to the coffin, using the springs he made.

With a press on the side of the coffin, it automatically slid open, allowing Cien to retrieve the weapons easily.

Inside the coffin, Cien not only stored the weapons but also various potions and food supplies.

Honestly, Cien is still a bit dissatisfied. But this is all he can make for a week. Just being able to craft the Woodbelisk can be considered lucky, so Cien doesn't have to complain.

After having breakfast, Cien and Kirana prepared to depart.

They went downstairs to meet Sella and entrusted the shop to her care during their absence.

Before leaving, Cien glanced at a greatsword that had only served as a display in the shop all this time.

Cien picked up the large sword, feeling its weight and remembering why he had been reluctant to use it. Kirana asked if he intended to bring it along.

Kirana felt that her father looked struggling with the greatsword in his hand.

"Yeah, it's impossible. This sword is too heavy for me. I was thinking of lending it to Ian. It's a powerful weapon and can boost our attacking strength. Besides, if Ian ends up liking it, he might consider buying it."

They exited the shop and found a group of people waiting for them in the front yard. Mia, Shiwa, Veronica, Ian, Legia, Balmut, Terrion, and Reiss were all there.

Cien gave a brief instruction to Mia as she would be responsible for the village during his absence.

Then he shook hands with Shiwa, as Veronica's mother would return to Huntara during Cien's expedition to Mount Lokoya. Similarly, Veronica had to return to Huntara to go back to the magic academy.

Veronica embraced Cien tightly, saying that she would visit during the long holiday.

Then, Cien turned to Ian.

"Ian, would you like to wield this?" Cien asked, showing the greatsword in his hand.

"What is it, Lord Millad?"

"The name of this sword is Blackferno."



Quality: High

Rarity: Rare

Skills: Magma Zone, Lava Manipulation, Fire Resistance.

A greatsword made from a mix of iron, Inferno Bear spine, Inferno Bear shoulder rock, and Blackwood Stag horn.

The weight of the sword is one hundred and fifteen kilograms, making it less than ideal as a weapon. However, the power it yields is deadly.

Forged by Cien Millard.


Upon hearing Cien's explanation, everyone present was stunned.

Once again, a new absurd weapon had been introduced. What's even more astonishing was that the weapon had been in the shop all this time. Standing alone in one corner.

Several people had even tried it out, including knights from Mia and Shiwa. However, none were interested due to its excessive weight.

The weight of the sword even made the knights think it was just a decoration.

Typically, the weight of a greatsword ranged from four to five kilograms.

Ten kilograms would already be rare, but this one weighed over a hundred kilograms. If it wasn't a prank decoration, then what else could it be?

However, their thoughts were far from the truth.

The weapon turned out to be one of Cien's unique creations.

Ian himself had tried wielding it, but he never imagined that the greatsword held powerful skills within it.

Unfortunately, Blackferno wasn't a magical weapon that used Mana Cores, so its wielder had to use mana from themselves.

Without much hesitation, Ian accepted Cien's offer and borrowed Blackferno for the Heart of Ice expedition.

With this, Cien and the team were ready to set off. But before they departed, Shiwa stopped Cien for a moment. She expressed her desire to order a unique weapon created by Cien.

"What kind of weapon?" Cien asked.

"A sword, if possible."

"Okay, just prepare the money. Then wait. I'll let you know when it's done."

"Thank you."

"Yosh! Let's go!"

Following Cien's command, they began to move.

Cien opened his phone and checked the map. His shop location was around the eastern part of Death Valley, while Mount Lokoya was to the north.

At present, Cien's shop was situated at the foot of the east side of Mount Lokoya.

If they wanted to obtain the Heart of Ice, based on the historical records shared by Shiwa, it was likely located around the mountain's peak, to the north.

So, Cien had to head west first before starting the ascent to the mountain peak.

He estimated that it would take about a week to reach the top on the Death Valley side. However, he wasn't sure if he could find the Heart of Ice within the remaining week.

Before leaving the village area, Cien saw Lilinette waiting for the group in front of her house.

"Hey, Lily. Don't do anything weird while Uncle is gone, okay?" Cien asked.

Lilinette nodded in response, "Yes, Uncle. Lily will do it."


Something seemed off. Was she going to do 'not do weird things'? Or is she just going to do those weird things?

Cien fell silent, observing the faint smile on his niece's face.

"Well, whatever. I'll call you every day just in case. Bye!"

Kirana, who was behind Cien, chuckled softly and winked at Lilinette. Lilinette responded with her mouth and said "be careful" but without a sound..

Finally, Cien's group disappeared into the darkness of the forest, leaving some villagers who had watched their departure from behind their windows.

After seeing them off, the villagers simultaneously prayed for the safety of Cien and the others.

After that, they went outside and started preparing for the day's work.

Mia, who was in front of the shop, saw the villagers suddenly rushing out.

"Sigh... Why didn't you just come outside before they left? No need to hide," she said.

"Hahaha, they just didn't want to ruin Lord Millard's mood. They remembered when he left for Ashur. Lord Millard reminded us not to accompany him on his departures. So that's what they did!" Balmut explained with a satisfied laugh.

"So foolish..." Mia replied, then walked back towards the village area.

"Do you want breakfast, Miss Mia?" Terrion asked, walking alongside her as they headed to Yelina's dining area.

"No. I want to sleep!" Mia responded.