West and North Movement

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amidst the battlefield at the southern gates of Farnodt, Terrion Grenhall perched upon his cherished warhorse, watching the silhouette of a mysterious figure cloaked in black soar away towards the north.

As the silhouette grew fainter, Duke Grenhall shifted his attention to the surrounding battlefield.

The demon forces were in disarray, making it easier for the troops from Ethyria to push the enemy back even further.

Duke Grenhall knew he had to seize this opportune moment to occupy the fallen city ahead. It was a task that needed swift execution, before the successor of the fallen demon leader arrived.

With determination, Duke Grenhall commanded his men to topple the foes more swiftly.

He also permitted his soldiers to consume the various potions, enabling them to continue unleashing high-level magic and bombarding the Abyss army.

Amidst the tumultuous battle, a plume of black smoke approached Duke Grenhall and converged beside his steed, transforming into the figure of a man clad in butler's attire.

Gyo appeared, his body bearing various wounds, causing Terrion to frown.

"Forgive me, Milord. I have failed in my task," Gyo uttered, kneeling beside Duke Grenhall's mount.

"Is he strong?"

Gyo pondered for a moment. "It's still not entirely certain, My Lord. The style of attack he employed resembles the Westyan Martial Arts, albeit in a very rudimentary form, suggesting he might be a novice. His every move is easily anticipated and lacks finesse. However, when it comes to defense, he's incredibly resilient and elusive. Lastly, the most terrifying aspect is the magical weapon he wields."

"Hmm… so, weak in attacking. No, weak in close combat. Yet strong in defense and evasion. Finally, a magical weapon…"

Duke Grenhall mused, recalling the speed and accuracy of the cloaked figure's arrow shots. The figure's attacks had shattered the demon formations in an instant.

Duke Grenhall's frown deepened. "Westyan Martial Arts… so he's a Westya resident? He could make you like this. Do you have any inkling of his identity?"

Gyo shook his head. He had no idea about the identity of the figure.

From the cloaked individual, he could only remember the irksome green eyes. They reminded him of a woman who had given him a hard time in Ethyria.

Apart from that, the girl who emerged from the box when Gyo was about to stab the cloaked figure was perhaps the most memorable.

Gyo felt like he had encountered her before, though he couldn't place where. He informed his master about the girl's appearance, promising to try and recall more once the war was won.

Duke Grenhall himself was apprehensive about the cloaked figure.

The fact that figure was headed north troubled him. He feared that this individual might disrupt the balance that had been leaning in his favor.

"Gyo, are you sure Lumiere has fallen into Abyss's hands?"

"Absolutely sure, My Lord. Only Marina remains standing."

Duke Grenhall nodded. "Hm. We must conclude this swiftly. My instincts tell me that there might be other parties who want to join the frays."


In another place, the capital of the Huntara Kingdom, Wynteria.

Within the Royal Palace, a teenage girl hurriedly made her way towards the King's office. This girl was none other than the Third Princess of Huntara—Princess Sravati.

Princess Sravati had been in Wynteria since Ian's arrival, bearing a message from Cien regarding the exchange of the Eternal Ice.

She had swiftly journeyed to the capital in response to this message, deeming it of significant importance. The Heart of Ice was a sought-after material by the kingdom's researchers.

Little did Sravati anticipate that, while still in negotiations with the royal officials, another message arrived from Cien. This message conveyed dire news of an Abyss invasion in Farnodt.

The Princess endeavored to persuade her father to dispatch troops to Marina.

Yet, her request faced staunch opposition from many high-ranking officials within the kingdom.

Her father's hands were tied, especially when the majority of the officials were against it, fearing that such an action would tarnish the reputation of the Royal Family.

Nevertheless, Sravati was far from despondent. Since the kingdom's officials were reluctant to intervene, she proposed sending forces from Blackwinter herself.

As of now, Blackwinter had become a territory under Sravati. This was a reward from the King, recognizing her diligent efforts in resolving the past conflicts in Blackwinter.

Of course, numerous high-ranking individuals disapproved of Sravati's proposition. However, the Princess provided a compelling argument – that Blackwinter owed a debt of gratitude to Marina.

Although its citizens might be opposed, the same could not be said for its soldiers. Their lives had been spared due to the actions of Reiss and his companions.

For the Blackwinter military, this was an opportunity to repay their debt.

Conversely, they would bear the burden of guilt if they allowed Marina to fall and turned their backs on it.

The reputation of Blackwinter and Princess Sravati as rulers was at stake. In the eyes of other kingdoms, she might be seen as an ungrateful princess.

Listening to the arguments presented, the King was unwilling to let that happen. The pressure was mounting on the high-ranking officials as well.

Ultimately, the King and the officials agreed to allow Sravati and the Blackwinter military forces to move. However, they set a condition that their movement must be voluntary, not due to orders.

This meant the soldiers wouldn't receive a single cent from the kingdom if they wanted to go to the battlefield in Marina.

The officials wanted to test whether the soldiers truly intended to fulfill their debt under these terms.

Who wouldn't fear the prospect of death?

Unfortunately, after Sravati dispatched her orders for the voluntary reinforcements to Blackwinter through the Sonic Bird, almost all the soldiers began preparing and headed to Marina. Three thousand troops, led by Major Nordt.

Three thousand. The Princess understood that this number was still insufficient when considering the battlefield situation.

But what else could be done? Even though it was a small force, Sravati and the soldiers had no intention of backing down. They were moving to save lives, not to win a war.

At least, that was the initial plan. A plan that still left Sravati quite anxious. However, a new message arrived from Cien through Ian two days later.

This message could change the course of their initial plan.

It was this message that prompted Princess Sravati to hurry to her father's chambers.

Without knocking on the door, Sravati simply walked in, surprising the two individuals engrossed in discussion inside.

The current King of Huntara, King Klaudius, and an elderly man who was the current Prime Minister of Huntara, Varhost, were present.

"Sravati! Sigh… you always manage to startle us."

"It seems our Princess lessons in etiquette are still not enough, Your Majesty."

"Now is not the time for discussing etiquette, Varhost. There's an important matter we need to address," Sravati interjected, clearly frustrated with some of the decisions made by the Prime Minister.

Varhost was one of the individuals who vehemently opposed providing aid to Marina. He had also proposed canceling Blackwinter domain under Sravati.

"What important matter do you wish to discuss, dear? If it's about the Eternal Ice, your father is currently conversing with the Prime Minister."

Despite the King referring to it as a conversation, he felt it was more accurate to call it an attempt to persuade Varhost to accept the proposed exchange.

"It's about Farnodt."

"Once again, about that accursed kingdom. I apologize, Princess, but allowing the Blackwinter forces to depart was already an absurd decision. I believe there's nothing more to discuss," Varhost immediately shut down any further discussion about Farnodt.

He harbored a strong resentment toward that kingdom.

Their prior actions to isolate the Huntara Kingdom had nearly pushed Huntara's economy to the brink. Just hearing the name Farnodt was enough to make him want to unleash a barrage of curses.

"I'm speaking to Father, Varhost!"

"Princess, this matter—"

Klaudius raised his hand, signaling his Prime Minister to stop and motioned for his daughter to continue.

"Westya has taken control of the southern city of Farnodt."


Like a bombshell, the information Sravati disclosed left both of them shocked.

Why? It was all about territory.

If Farnodt were to fall to Abyss, it was highly likely that a United Force from various kingdoms would be assembled to eradicate the demon race from Farnodt.

After that, Farnodt's territory could become neutral ground or be divided among the participating kingdoms that helped expel the demons.

At least, this would be the case if the royal heir of Farnodt were deceased. If the heir was still alive, the territory would remain under their ownership.

But what was Westya doing now?

They weren't providing assistance. Instead, they were invading just like Abyss! Forcibly seizing the territory of another kingdom. And, it was clear that Farnodt hadn't completely collapsed at this moment.

It was akin to someone engaged in a fierce battle with an enemy, only to be stabbed from behind by their ally.

Westya's actions could be deemed morally reprehensible. However, considering the chaotic situation, even though many condemned their actions, Westya wouldn't face a big consequences.

Firstly, because Westya was a huge kingdom. Secondly, because other kingdoms didn't have the time, being preoccupied with the escalating Abyss threat.

"Not only that. The final reason is due to Farnodt's tarnished reputation. There aren't many kingdoms willing to support the cursed kingdom anymore," added Varhost, who now comprehends the situation in Farnodt.

He had to admit that while Westya might be dirty, they were cunning. They leveraged the Huntara-Farnodt relationship, the Farnodt Kingdom's reputation, and the Abyss invasion for their own gain.

"Your Majesty."

King Klaudius nodded in understanding.

The situation would become perilous if Westya managed to seize all of Farnodt territories. Westya's power far exceeded Farnodt's, and their continued expansion could indeed pose a threat.

"Notify all the officials. An emergency meeting will be held in one hour. It will address the invasion of Farnodt. I will not allow Westya to take control of the entire Farnodt territory!"

Princess Sravati, hearing her father's command, couldn't help but smile. With this, the Blackwinter forces were about to receive substantial reinforcement.