Queen of Westya Comes to Visit

The next day, during the afternoon at the Terulina Family residence. 

Just as Lilinette had anticipated yesterday, someone from Heijo had indeed come to deliver a message from the Prime Minister.

The message stated that the ruler of the Edenia region, Count Terulina, had kidnapped the First Prince Westya. 

His actions were deemed an act of betrayal against the kingdom, especially considering that King Westya was still ill. 

With the delivery of this message, the Prime Minister requested Count Terulina to return the First Prince and his region to the kingdom. These would be seized, along with Count Terulina's wealth, for an unspecified period of time.

Count Terulina was entitled to reclaim his dominion, wealth, and rights after a trial. 

If Count Terulina ignored this warning, the Prime Minister would forcibly take control of all Terulina's rights and territories through military action.

Count Terulina was given two days to comply with all demands if he wished to avoid bloodshed. 

"What kind of absurd request is this?!" Count Rene Terulina shouted at the messenger. 

All the accusations within it were entirely baseless. There was no evidence or argument supporting the existence of the First Prince in Edenia. 

Moreover, the punishment imposed was excessively severe—giving away his dominion and wealth within an unspecified time frame.

This is absurd! 

Clearly, these demands and punishments are only intended to provoke Count Terulina, pushing Rene to lead the forces of Edenia against the military prepared by the Prime Minister. 

With the onset of war, the Prime Minister would have a reason to behead Rene during the conflict, thus securing control of Edenia without the need to return it.

Rene could already anticipate the Prime Minister's thought process. 

He just didn't expect that his predictions would be so accurately executed. 

"You madman!" Frustrated, Rene instructed the messenger to leave while delivering his response. "If you want war, let there be war!"

With the delivery of this response, it was inevitable that war would arrive in the northern lands of Westya in two days. 

Massaging his temples, Rene faced the impending challenges with a pale face. At this moment, he had to prioritize the common people evacuating from the city.

Initially, Rene planned to send the residents to Arcadia. However, realizing this plan would take some time. Moving to Arcadia was not as easy as going to an ordinary city.

To relocate thousands of people, both Arcadia and Edenia had to assemble substantial forces. 

This was because the route from the tunnel to the protective formation zone was quite far. 

A small group of people, around ten to twenties, might navigate the path without issues, as Arcadia's soldiers constantly monitored and killed the monsters around the route. 

However, with thousands of people, the likelihood of attracting the attention of distant monsters was significant, making the safety of the journey a major concern.

That's why, for now, the evacuation plan to Arcadia cannot be executed. It's too risky. 

Therefore, Rene only instructed the residents to move and camp at the foot of the mountain until the conflict was resolved. 

If Edenia were to lose, Arcadia would be responsible for gradually transporting them to Death Valley.

Apart from the safety of his people, the only thing Rene currently hoped for was the success of Lilinette's plan to contact Lindell Zephiras. 

However, unexpectedly, a few hours after the messenger went back to Heijo, Count Rene received a surprise guest.

A woman whose face was known to all Westya citizens, holding influence and power similar to King Westya himself—Queen Melissa, the current Queen of Westya. 

Seeing the unexpected visitor, Count Rene immediately knelt to greet her. 

According to an ancient agreement, the Terulina Family would only obey the orders of the rulers of the Westya Kingdom, namely King and Queen of Westya.

Therefore, Queen Melissa was the one who could mobilize the forces of Edenia, unlike the Prime Minister or Duke Grenhall. 

"Stand, Count Terulina. I am pleased to see you in good health."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I did not expect to receive your visit at this time. Because..."

Queen Melissa nodded in understanding of the situation Edenia was facing. 

She was already aware of the false demands from the Prime Minister. All this time, Queen Melissa had been observing the Prime Minister's maneuvers to seize power in Westya.

During the arrival of the first Rostgard forces in Heijo, Queen Melissa had actually participated in the search for her son. 

However, when news of additional Rostgard forces arriving in Heijo reached her, she was immediately instructed to hide. 

During this period of hiding, she could do nothing but be accompanied by only four individuals—two servants and two knights.

She could only watch as the loyal forces of her were defeated and imprisoned in the northern Heijo prison headquarters. 

She could only witness more and more soldiers gathering in the north as if preparing for war. It was then that the Queen realized the arrival of the Prime Minister's forces was not just to disturb her but also to take control of Edenia.

When one of her knights returned after scouting the Heijo military headquarters, the news of the war messenger being sent to Edenia reached the Queen's ears. 

Unexpecting such a drastic change in the situation, the Queen chose to go to Edenia. 

Hoping that by being on the side of Edenia, she could negotiate with the Prime Minister to lay down arms. 

After all, the current reason for war was Terulina's alleged betrayal in kidnapping Prince Langris.

However, if Queen Melissa, as the mother of the Prince, could refute these accusations, she believed she could challenge the reasons for starting the war. 

Hearing this, Count Rene's face showed signs of sweat. He deeply appreciated Queen Melissa's kindness in standing up to stop the war. 

However, from the discussions yesterday, Rene felt that even if those reasons were refuted, the enemy surely had other ways to justify the war. 

After all, what they wanted was not just the Prince but what lay within Edenia.

Not to mention...

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. Um, would you mind following me for a moment?" 

Count Rene then led Queen Melissa to a room. 

The Queen was puzzled, starting to be wary of Count Rene's actions, fearing that he might also be an adversary of the Royal Family. 

Queen Melissa gestured with her hand to her two knights to be ready in case something unwanted happened.

However, when Count Rene opened the door, the first thing Queen Melissa saw was a spacious room. 

'A room?'

Inside, she could see a servant cleaning the room and someone lying on the bed. 

She couldn't see the person clearly because they were too far away. Count Rene gestured for Queen Melissa to approach the person lying in bed.

Still with a suspicious expression, Queen Melissa approached, and the face of the person lying down became clearer. 

"! Langris?!" 

Queen Melissa was stunned, rushing to her son. 

She stroked his emaciated face, convinced that the sleeping man was indeed Langris, her son. 

Queen Melissa, now with a cold expression, turned to Rene, suspecting that the ruler of Edenia might be the one who kidnapped her son.

The two knights accompanying Queen Melissa immediately pointed their swords at Count Rene's neck.

"Wait, Your Majesty! I'm not a kidnapper. Princess Kirana from Arcadia found Prince Langris at Unsu Hill in the Heijo region."

"Princess Arcadia?"

"Yes. Um, could Your Majesty ask these knights to lower their swords? I will explain the situation about the Prince."


Elsewhere, in a forest south of the city of Almarin, a creature the size of an adult's palm flew with its two pairs of transparent, sparkling green wings toward a hidden flower garden in the middle of the forest.

In the midst of the flower garden, there was a large, blooming red flower. 

It was so big that a woman lay asleep on top of it—a woman with long, light green hair and a beautiful white complexion. 

She slept soundly like a sleeping princess in a fairy tale.

The small creature that had just arrived landed on the woman's chest. This small creature was a fairy, a race that had long been considered just a myth.

The little fairy tried to wake the woman by calling her name. 

"Miss Lindell~ Miss Lindell~" 

But no matter how many times it tried, the woman remained asleep.

The little fairy's patience ran out. It then jumped and kicked the smooth cheek of the sleeping woman with all its might. 


No matter how powerful the fairy's kicks were, unfortunately, the woman was a Champion. Thus, the powerful kicks felt like mosquito bites.


Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

The fairy continued to kick Lindell's face repeatedly, successfully making the woman open her eyes a little in annoyance.

"Um~ Lime? It's still noon, it's not time to wake up yet~" Lindell said, capturing the little fairy and holding it in her hand. Lindell then closed her eyes again.

"Miss! Wake up! We have a guest!"

"Mmm, shoo~"

"Ehhh? But he said he has Earth Essence."


Lindell's eyes widened. She now looked at Lime, the little fairy, with keen interest.

"Who? Where is he?"

"I don't know the person's identity. He's waiting in the northern part of the forest."

"From Almarin?"

Lindell sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stretched her body. She then ran her fingers through her hair, which, after a few moments, began to emit a radiant glow.

"Earth Essence, huh... if this is true, it will be very interesting. Huhuhu~ come on, Lime. Let's meet our guest."

It didn't take long for Lindell to arrive in front of the guest who was looking for her. 

In fact, she could effortlessly transition from her previous spot in the flower garden to the man waiting for her through the tree roots embracing each other in the earth.

Upon seeing the man, Lindell recognized him. The man was Arl, the Chief of Intelligence from C-Owl.

"Hoho~ what does C-Owl want with me?"

"Apologies for disturbing your rest, Miss Lindell. But I just want to convey a message from Miss Lilinette Millard. She wishes to meet with you."

"Heee~ Lilinette? Raphael's doll? It's quite interesting to hear that she's sending a message through C-Owl. Don't tell me Ethel has reconciled with Millard."

Upon hearing these words, Arl felt something was amiss. 

He asked, "I'm sorry, Miss Lindell. But how long has it been since you paid attention to the developments in Kastia?"

"Hm? How long... maybe two years?"

"Sigh... Miss, it might be better if I first brief you on the current situation in Kastia."

"Eh? What's this? Why are you suddenly so serious?"