Chapter Thirty Three


“So, you truly believe I would be capable of something like this?” I look at Adam, my voice dull.

His jaw tightens, “I don’t want to, Danielle. But the facts-”

“The words of your childhood friend and the pack doctor, you mean?”

“I saw you at Jason’s office!” He growls.

I can see the way the corner of Maya’s lips twitches, but her tears are still pouring, “We both did, Danielle! Look, I told you this afternoon, that whatever your concern was, you should talk to Adam about it!”

I tilt my head, “Was that before or after you led me to that cabin and force-fed me wolfsbane?”

“What?” Adam’s eyes narrow.

But I don’t expect him to believe me. I don’t expect anything of my true mate anymore.

“What are you talking about, Danielle?” Maya sobs. “Why are you constantly trying to create a rift between me and Adam? I just got him back after five years! I don’t mean either of you any harm!”

I purse my lips, “Of course you don’t.”