Game invitation (3)

Though the amount of coins Thea keeps on transferring to him is absurd, thanks to her, he was able to decorate his room into a liveable space.

During the time Aksel and Thea spent decorating his room, Thea decided to teach him about the game since the guide book, in her words, wasn't bad but outdated and too difficult for newbies to understand.

Never would Aksel have thought that instead of weapons, within this game, he would come to use tarot cards to battle with others. 

Speaking of others, Aksel mentioned to Thea about the remaining participants which he missed. 

And the tarot cards, apparently, Thea said it's always a big fight over who gets the cards since there's only eight of them. The remaining players among the twenty players, those who do not obtain the special cards, will automatically become runners. Among the many special cards, the chaser card, which is basically the bad guys, is the only card that has duplications besides the runner card.

The capacity of a single game is 20 players, but of course each round is filled to the brim. Most of the time, there are less players. Thea paid no mind to the ranking board when they arrived at the building, she couldn't answer Aksel's question.

It got Aksel curious so Thea took him downstairs to show the ranking boards. 

On the way down, as he stood on the elevator platform and observed the corridors, it was dead empty and silent as before.

At the ground floor, by the reception, there were two ranking boards. One global and the other for the players of this game.

Looking at the ranking board of this game he is in, the one with the highest rank… His eyeballs roll upwards, counting from the 17th player to the 1st, at the top stands Latio with an astonishing ranking of 901st. 

It didn't really impress him that much until he began to think a bit. It didn't click for him until Thea mumbled something, about there being roughly 200 million university students around the world, so for Latio to achieve a rank like is really unbelievable.

Aksel looked Thea in the eyes with concern, he was concerned if this pair of siblings was addicted to this game. He needn't say anything for Thea to know what he wants to ask. 

Thea nodded, the corner of her lips twitching down and up. She was trying hard not to laugh.

Besides the rankings written next to the player's name, in front of the name was the player's nationality. For further information, he learned you can view the miniaturized version of the ranking board on your personal screen. Unfortunately, it only included a ranking board of the game you're in. By tapping on the name, he could see the person's full profile. 

Curious at this profound feature, he wanted to check out Thea's profile. No matter how much he looked, he saw no such.

The closer he looks, he can see that above Latio is another ranker. The name was in question marks, so was the ranking. The flag was also blank.

He understands himself having question marks since it probably is due to this being his first game and his performance hasn't yet been analyzed, but it wasn't just her name. Her ranking and flag are both in blank and question marks.

She noticed his expression, "Don't worry about it too much, there is an option to hide your info."

Once again, he feels a disconnection. Some of Thea's answers so far—the time they spent talking—some of her words were either lies or did not make sense. 

Though Thea told him the guide book was too much for a newbie, he read it anyway. Thea said she was keeping her info hidden, but the book stated no such thing. Even for new players, though they have no ranking, the nationality and name without a doubt will show. He is bewildered by Thea's words.

Dwelling on it too much will cause more discomfort for his already struggling mental health. He chose to brush it aside for now. Anyone can change, especially in the span of 12 years. 

Despite wanting to push it aside, it still bothers him. The discomfort is causing Thea's face to blur in his mind. To ease the discomfort, he wants to believe it is just an error in the system. 

He tries to ignore the blank ranking on the top and focus on the other rankings. 

The more he analyzed, the more he saw how many beasts were in this game.

Even the players with rankings lower than Latio, their ranks were still high, especially that Ivan person. 

Using the information he learned from the guide book, he viewed the same ranking board but in a miniaturized form in his window. He could view the profiles of the players there. 

This Ivan person… was surprisingly handsome.

Thea couldn't help but lean over to see what's up since Aksel's eyes were sparkling like never before. 

"Appreciating another man's looks?" She gave a look of approval, "You were doing the same yesterday."

Aksel smiled awkwardly, but seriously, he was flabbergasted at how handsome someone could be. That dude looks straight from a fiction with those other worldly looks. He shakes his head aggressively, saying himself not to focus on someone's looks so much. 

Ivan was someone who could rival Latio in terms of looks. That was Aksel's conclusion based on his own description that he just described Ivan, because he was just as flabbergasted at his handsomeness as he was to Latio several hours ago. 

Observing the profile deeper, the live ranking by the name keeps changing. The numbers are dropping in a rapid pace. 

Ivan was in the top 10 000 a minute ago, but now he's in the eleven thousands, soon reaching the twelve thousands. It really is a live ranking. Inactivity will cause the ranking to decrease to a larger number, was stated in the guide book he read. 

It caused him to think, why'd Thea call the guide book basically trash. Latio definitely did not lie when wished Aksel good luck. Thea's guiding was way worse than the guide book she claimed was outdated and too difficult for newbies. It felt as if she was hiding something, because the guide was in no way outdated. It had the same new rules he heard whispers of at his university. 

Her strange and suspicious acts are throwing him back to the hidden ranking and private profile. 

Aksel got lost in the moment again. Thea nudged him slightly, telling him not to fall asleep, the game is starting in no time. 

He was wide awake a while ago, but now he's about to doze off. 

They are childhood friends, but they haven't met each other in 12 years until now. Yet, she smacked him on the cheek. It didn't hurt since she still had pride in her and did not have the guts to hit harder. 

She ended up having to drag him to his room.


Back in Aksel's room, a knock landed on the door and Johannes stepped inside. He was worried to see his friend sleeping.

"Shouldn't we wake him up? Time is ticking."

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

"…You sure—"

Johannes' sentence was cut off when an announcement sounded from the speakers. 

"Dear players, the first round will be pushed back and will start at 18:00. I deeply apologize."

Johannes was stunned, "What luck. At least he won't be sleep deprived."

Thea yawned, "I think I'll take a nap too…"

"For real?"

Followed by his short sentence were snores coming from the two asleep individuals. It reminded him of the old times when they were still a big friend group. 

"It wouldn't hurt…" Johannes spoke to himself as he leaned against the bed, closing his eyelids.


He jumped awake, eyes wide. In full panic mode, worried he might've overslept, he anxiously looked at his watch.

"Calm down," a voice sounded from beside him. It was Thea who just woke up too, "The first round was pushed back by six hours."

He was relieved to hear that, slumping against the bed frame. To his leg was something bushy pressed against, when glanced down, it was Johannes.

"It's my first day and you crash in my room?"

"Sorry sorry, want me to make it up with coins—"


Johannes soon woke up from the talking going on while he was asleep. He asked for the time. It was roughly two hours before the first round, so 16:00. 

Thea suggested they go eat something seeing that they still had time for it. Aksel and Johannes weren't against it so they took the elevator all the way to the downstairs. Since it was hours before the round, for the first time since he arrived, it was not desolate but bustling with people. Not many, but still some.

At the ground floor, they are right away greeted by Latio. Johannes had no idea who he was nor did Aksel. Thea understood why Johannes wouldn't know, but she didn't understand why Aksel's wouldn't know.

While Thea introduced Latio to Johannes, Aksel was busy staring. His eyes twitched between Latio and the dude in the distance who was the Ivan he checked out yesterday. Their looks were just too otherworldly for him to stop staring. 

He was beginning to inspect the two dudes too much to the point where they noticed him. 

He panicked and tried to run away when Thea saved him by suggesting they go look at abilities.

The ability store was something—according to the guide book—it was added since the runners who did not obtain the special cards were practically powerless and useless. They used to die like rats on the roads, the abilities was added as a way for the runners to be able to fight back. 

At the ability store in the lobby, it also seemed to have its own custom screen like the elevator. It hasn't been long, but he's already used to using the screen. Scrolling downwards, he sees that the pricier the ability, the better.

His eyes landed on the "Card emperor". The most expensive ability at a whopping 100 000 coins. He felt like sobbing seeing that price. 

It is crazy though that Aksel has enough coins to buy it and still have leftovers afterwards. Thea really gave him a starter pack. 

Thea leaned forward to look at his screen, "You like that ability?"

"It does seem interesting."

He investigated the ability, finding it a bit intriguing but tedious since it had requirements to be used. That was quite the turn off for Aksel.

Thea once again read Aksel like an open book, "It's a bit tedious, but once you do complete the requirements, it's beyond overpowered."

"Why so?"

"Read the description carefully."

He does as told and reads it. 

There are three requirements upon the start of a game a player posseing card emperor has to make. 

It goes as follows.

[ One must be a savior or a tyrant. Eliminate or save another, that is judgment up to an emperor like you to make.

One must prove themselves to be a worthy leader. Show you are capable of leading others like the ruler you are.

One must destroy the wish crystal and show you will make sacrifices for the greater. ]

The requirements seemed, it wasn't extreme, but morally, especially the first one, doesn't sit right. Saving another is no problem, but to kill is…

He found the first two requirements easy to understand, but the last one had him perplexed.


Before he could further say anything, she already had an answer prepared. 

"That wish crystal grants an extra wish."

His eyes widened upon hearing her words.

"Extra wish?"

She nodded, "You can only obtain it through a rare round," Her face went dark after that sentence, "The clashes in those rounds are usually brutal since it grants an extra wish. You might even expect an ally to betray you."

Just like Thea whose face was expressionless, he stood in silence with the same face. He didn't know how to react to nor what to reply. What emotion he should show.

Betrayal. He has never really experienced true betrayal. The thought of potentially being betrayed in this game was a bit unsettling, but he struggled to wrap himself around that buried feeling.

"Don't worry too much. Those rounds are rarer than an eclipse," Her stone face softened, causing Aksel to feel a bit lighter than before. His discomfort fading. 

Mood swings really are something.

Thea stopped in the direction of the cafeteria, a faint smile on her face, "We should hurry since time is ticking, the others are probably waiting too."

He understood her words and nodded, followed by a smile. 

Thea who was impatient complained to Aksel since he was taking long to follow her, but when she turned back around, she saw Aksel with a smile that seemed heartfelt. 

Aksel felt at ease, less stoic, realizing he just smiled willingly instead of putting up a forced smile that seemed almost natural. A smile that came from his feelings.