Killing people affects me more than before. I guess that’s the tradeoff for having such power. When I’m in tune with the life around me, I mourn that life when it’s gone. I see beyond monsters and see the souls within.
They were going to kill me though. And if they’re going to kill me I have every right to kill them. Even Zade didn’t disagree with that.
So, I make sure nature wasn’t impacted too greatly. Then, I take time to bury the bodies. It makes me lose some progress. I know I’m losing at least a day over this fight, but I can’t just leave their corpses lying in the forest like this.
Maybe that’s what I would do before, but not now. Now, I dig a hole for each of them. I bury them near each other. Then, I continue on my journey.
Though it has taken me extra time, I do feel good about my decision. It seems more natural this way. I get to keep a bit of my soul too.