There, in the far corner of the cave, high up, was an indent in the wall, almost in the shape of a cross. It looked surreal, unnatural. They had only seen it because of the full moon, and because the fire had burned so strongly. Otherwise, no one could have ever come across this. It was small. And if it hadn’t had been for his keen eye, it would have been easily missed.
I reached up, and scraped away stone and dirt. As I did, the shape became clearer. It was indeed a tiny indent. In the shape of a key.
I reached into my pocket, and extracted the key the small key to the Vincent house. I held it up and looked at Caleb. He nodded back.
I slipped it inside, and it fit perfectly.
We looked at each other, dumbfounded.
I turned the key, and it clicked. A small compartment opened in the wall of the rock.
I reached in and extracted it. It was a scroll. Torn in half.
We both looked at each other, speechless. It was the second half of the scroll.