Excuse me, Trevor said running his hands through his wet hair, Did you need something?
I... I am....hmm ..s..so I.. thought I... can..can you close the door first i can talk from out here, your body is really distracting me, she said covering eyes, why did i even come here.
Sure if that's cool, he said with a chuck. He closed the door only leaving his head out. So you where saying?
Mom insisted I take good care of you so if you need something just let me know.
I don't want to cross the line we are not close, he said. quoting right from what she said earlier
You don't have to requote me I still stand by what I said if I feel you are crossing the line i will gladly tell you, we can talk more after you have your clothes on she backed off and turned to leave.
Don't you have to like wait for me to give you a response, he teased.
After you put some clothes on, I will be downstairs. what was I thinking going to knock on his door now his chest is imprinted how can a man be so well built i mean i have seen Martin shirtless not that am comparing but he needs to up his game.
After a while Trevor finally showed up.Did I keep you waiting,? he asked looking at Paige who was lost in thought looking at her phone. she seems to always have something on her mind
No you didn't am sorry I didn't see you coming
That's fine is something bothering you? pulling a chair to face her.
No don't worry, She changed the topic, I thought since we Will be staying together for a while, we should put some ground rules.
OK am listening, Trevor responded giving her his undivided attention.
First and fore most, am rarely home during week days, feel free make sure you tell Lucy anything you need. You cant hold parties here we both want to lay low don't do anything to attract unnecessary attention, and lastly lets not get into each others business we are just two strangers sharing a house.
So we can just say we are roommates?
Yes something like that.
And if I cross the line? he said well leaning in closer to Her
I won't let you, she said while avoiding his gaze. i will be there to bring him back, well if there is nothing I should head back I have long day tomorrow.
Do you work on weekends?
No i don't I have a date actually.
Cool? just like that she said without realizing what she said. what am i expecting from someone i just told not to cross the line.
Were you expecting a different reaction?
I didn't mean it that way don't overthink.
I wasn't going too. I have plans tomorrow too just enjoy your date.
Good if there is nothing more I will be leaving then. with that Paige left Trevor alone. the rest of the evening the two stayed in their rooms.
* * *
the next day.
Hey charles did you finish up all the paper works?
You really need to stop calling me in the morning we are not dating.
quit messing around and just tell me.
Yes my love, by the way your moods change i can tell you are the wife in this relationship. anyways you don't need to be worked up I did talk to guys and the paperwork is done also we have been invited so that I can formally introduce you that being said I will be picking you at seven pm please be ready. is there anything else you might like?
No and don't be late.
I won't my dear, Charles teased.
Fuck you.... he cut the call without waiting for Charles response.
Mr Trevor would you like your meal now? Lucy asked.
Yes I will be down in a minute.
* * *
Good morning Paige, how was your night?
oh its my favorite roommate, my night was good how did you sleep ? she answered all happily and excited.
You seem to be in a great mood.
Right? it feels nice to sleep in and wake up to fresh a breakfast.
What kind of super hero takes breaks?
My assistant is filling in for me...but why are standing there come over here and eat .
Thank you he said pulling a sit next to her, so this is our first breakfast as roommates huh?
Yes, We should be doing this more often.
You think so?
Yes it will give us time for bonding, So tell me for how long have you been racing?
Since I was five it started as just following my Dad around and driving toy cars to actually driving one, it makes me feel free.
You must really miss your Dad.
Yes I do, he was everything I looked up too, i actually saw a few photos of him here do you love cars? i didn't mean to look around
Yes he was my Hero I still have records of all his races, she said happily.
Oh oh so you are my Dads fan and not mine?
I am that loyal, she laughed I actually stopped watching F2 after his death.
Why?.. No one can ever be like him?
yes but there is someone that is persistent as him, I might start to watch again because of them.
Trevor just gave a silent smile while looking at his food. What time is your date?
I will out by six pm, what plans do you have anyway going out with anyone in particular?
I have to check out a piece of land for practicing.
Oh i know a few places I can take you there tomorrow if you like.
I won't be over stepping?
No i know this place better than anyone, if it doesn't work out i know a perfect place.
I would like to see the place.
Alright that's set then don't put other plans, you me are going out.... enjoy the food i have an outfit to pick.
she's and rushed out of the room.
But You barely ate anything... she had already left doubting if she even heard him.
Don't worry about her she has terrible eating manners, Lucy said clearing the table.
She seems excited about her date though.
Yes she has had a crush on Martin the longest but his never made a move on her his just always flirting with her.
I see..
Excuse now i have other things to tend to call me if you need anything.
Yes I will thank you.