What is the meaning of this?, Martin asked with so much fury in his eyes.
Meaning of what? Paige replied as if she didn't know what he was talking about.
You know exactly what I mean, you just can't pick any stranger to be your boyfriend.
He is not a stranger Martin, his someone am in love with and you of all people need to support me.
What about me? what about what we share? he said grabbing her by her shoulders looking into her eyes
My relationship with Trevor wont affect our Friendship,
Friendship? after so many years we still stuck on friendship, I have been there for you even when your Father died, I...
Stop using my Fathers death to keep close to me, she cut him off. I really respect that you have been there for me but what's the point of being there for me and still let your friends talk shit about me?
The guys where just joking around, its not what you think I swear.
Its not what I think Martin! she said more angrily but what I heard. she said shaking his hands off her and stepped back. I don't wish to continue talking about this with you please.
If you really care about me, you have to be happy for me.
I can't be happy if not with you, he said taking a step closer to her.
Excuse me guys sorry for disturbing you, the man from earlier said. But Ms Paige Mike just challenged your Boyfriend to a race.
Right now? she asked more concerned.
Yes they are about to start. he continued i thought you might like to know.
Thank you very much I will head down right now, she said and rushed out immediately without looking back while thanking God for the perfect timing.
By the time she got down the two had just started their race and couldn't stop them, the first race Mike took the lead since Trevor was still unfamiliar with the place but lucky for his quick instincts It didn't take long for Trevor to pick up the race and took the lead and won by five seconds before Mike and they both came to a stop almost at the same time.
That was incredible, Mike said after coming out of his car, you really are your fathers child he continued so excitedly walking towards Trevor we should be racing more often.
You aren't bad yourself I was starting to think I might actually lose, How long have you been racing?
Since we where ten.
With who?
Your girlfriend, shes among the few people I still cant beat, he said admitting his defeat, you should challenge her some time and see for yourself.
That's really tempting, she never talked about racing with me he said while looking around at the people that where still watching them and spotted a familiar face and smiled to himself.
Mike observed his direction and spotted Paige, she doesn't like the spot light that's why she never talks about her talent, do you want to go to her I don't think she will come here looking at how crowded it is.
Sure we will catch up later Trevor said and thank you for the race.
It's nothing get going now he said motioning him to go.
Trevor quietly followed Paige who was now moving away from the crowd toward the car park where they were fewer people.
Did you get to talk to your friend. he asked once he was close enough.
Yes I did and his not happy about it, she said.
Am sorry for putting you in a tight spot i couldn't hold back.
Am glad you didn't I couldn't hold back either.
His a jerk actually am sorry am I allowed to say that, Trevor joked and stared at her.
I will allow it just this once at least, she said and i hope Mike didn't give a hard night because of me, he can be a prick sometimes.
No he didn't we actually got along pretty well, he even asked us out.
Yes us he thinks we are actually dating. he cleared the Us.
oh i totally forgot nothing get passed him well we can't tell him the Us is fake at least not yet he will flip.
So we are going to continue our fake relationship.? he asked with sparkles in his eyes, he clearly cant hide his emotions.
Yes just in front of those few people that know.
Cool, anyways am heading back now I can drive you back home if you like.
Yes that would be nice actually I can't return with Martin now giving our current situation.
Its okay you don't have to explain anything, let's go he said showing her the way to his car, he opened the door for her and the got in the drivers seat.
The drive back was quiet and warm little soft music was playing and they just sat in silence. Paige stole a few glances towards Trevor who was focused on the road keeping the car steady but fast. The more she looked him the more she took in his details, his Adams apple could move gently every now and then each time he swallowed.. his eye lashes why does he have long lashes any girl would kill to gave them she thought
You know its really hard to keep my focus on the road if you keep staring at me like that Ms Paige, he broke the silence.
Paige was brought back to reality after she heard him speak. I ..I wasn't looking at you she said and turned to face the window.
He laughed more to himself, and continued to drive till they got home.
Why are you both returning together in the same car, Aunty asked.
we just happened to be at the same place. Paige said while hugging her. but why ain't you asleep yet.
I just came down to grab to water am going back to sleep now, you two have a wonderful night "Together" she said the last part with so much emphasis.
She didn't mean that did she, Trevor asked looking at the disappearing figure.
You can never know what goes on around that woman's mind, paige replied anyways am heading to bed as well thank you for tonight she said looking at him on last time before turning to leave.
Good night Roommate, Trevor said to her with a smile, looking at her back as she softly stepped on the floor as if it was hot and only retired after she was out of sight.