So the opening party will be held at sky castle hotel at nine pm. We need to start off forty minutes early if we have to get there on time. Charles explained the schedule to Trevor who was laying casually playing video games.
And Paige?
She will be attending, you will meet at the party and please do keep a safe distance well you are there, the last thing i want is handling dating rumors.
But technically they wont be rumors since we are actually dating.
You both agreed to keep things on low key so please be on your best behavior or am bringing mom to your next race.
I promise to be on my best behavior, there is no need to bring mom in this.
good then get enough rest your suit will be brought by the hotel stuff in two hours.
Yes Charles
* * * * * *
"Its the man of the hour". Mr.Rigs, the host spoke as soon as he saw Trevor walk in with Charles captivating everyone's attention with their aura. its nice to meet you in person.
The pleasure is all mine. Trevor replied in his polite and yet commanding voice but attention was every in the room.
Its great to see you getting back on track after so many years, you are becoming more like your father each day and in no time you will prove that you are really his son. its good i never lost faith in you. Mr.Rigs said.
Following my fathers foot step seems to be only right thing to do, he said. it would be shame to disappoint him.
But are you not worried if you follow in his every step you might end up meeting the same fate your father, Adrian who was standing not to far heard the conversation and joined in.
Not the voice i wanted hear again but here we are. Congratulations on coming in second, i was too preoccupied i hope i am not too late. Trevor lazily replied.
oh its alright and congratulations on coming in first, he put one hand on Trevor's shoulder. Do enjoy your time it might be your last. he smirked and proceed to great Mr.Rigs who had moved on to taking to other guests.
Did Adrian get under your skin again? Paige asked looking stunning in a black open back body dress making her look elegant with her hair tired in a high bun making her already sharp facial features even more noticeable.
He silently observed her, restricting his hand from tracing her face down through her neck locking her up away from all hungry eyes of men. " You look beautiful" he finally spoke " and no one can get under my skin if not you".
"You cant just say things like that we are in public " she blushed looking away shyly.
Did you just come?
no i was here an hour early my mother had a meeting here so i was here keeping her company.
Is she still here?
No she left after greeting a few people, did you want to say hi?
No, we should go and see her together when we both have time, then i can properly say hello to her. " i want to hug you'
That was so random, she laughed, no we cant, Denise is keeping an eye on us and the last thing i want from her is another earful lecture.
You know we can always fire her, he joked or better still let her and Charles date then we can have alone time all the time.
Alright Mr.Dreamer we are suppose to keep this a casual talk so i think we have talked long enough for normal guest. I still have a few more guests i need to see. i will see you in room two six nine sixth floor after an hour.
Alright sweetheart but before you go, he dropped his jacket over her shoulders, your dress is showing to much skin.