[S1] Ch9: Happy home #8

Oh, I forgot to mention something regarding the rules about the magic thingies. I was wondering if I can use multiple types of magic, so I asked. Then, I found out that one can use all attributes as long as they learn it. In short, one can be a jack of all trades.

Though, mastering everything is a burden. So usually, one only use about three kinds of magic. Also, there are five types of attributes in magic. There are water, fire, earth, wind, and null. Water produces water. Fire produces fire. Earth produces earth. And wind produces wind. Though, in null, it is the spells where one doesn't use one of the powers of nature bla bla bla.

So, I have this desire to kill. The desire to kill is almost unstoppable. I hate it, father should only belong to me. My desire to kill is what I've thought all over again. Then again, why do I need to bother if this is nothing but a dream? I should do what I want, for my own comfort. I should erase everything that makes my dream unlikable for me. I don't need to overthink, everything will go on my way. Thinking thinking is thinking thinking. I really like the meaning of the word Redundancy, sorry.

Though, to be honest, I haven't done anything these past week at all. Yes, a week has passed since that night. After that time, nothing happened that much between them, really. Nothing happened. Well, I haven't really done anything because I just haven't done anything.

I can't stop thinking. I should stop thinking. Stop thinking and do whatever I want, since this is my own world. Ok, I'll get straight to the point, I just didn't do anything about it because I still wanted to learn this magic thingy. You know, to make cool stuff. I need to be cool and powerful since I feel like this place isn't just a mere dream, but a whole other world. Heh, impossible.

My thoughts sure is inconsistent. Whatever. Trust me, I'm tried.

Anyways, I'll seriously do everything I can starting today. It's nothing special. Like, you know? One of my plan is to just stab her in the back while she's asleep, that's it. Whatever. Yeah, whatever. I'm treating this like a joke, am I even mad at her at this point? Whatever. Yeah, whatever it is.

Well, I've already learnt some magic spells, and I think I can read a book about magic or two to continue my plan of world domination. So, I don't need her anymore since I can just learn about it with a book. Cringe. Yeah, cringe. I will never have thoughts of these cringy thing the moment I wake up.


"Father, can I ask you to kill someone?" I asked father. Currently, it's early in the morning. I'm in my father's room right now, bothering him.

"Oh, I can't do that of course." He replied. He patted me at the head. His hands was warm. It was warm. I liked it. His hands. I wonder, can I feel something more warmer than this from father? It's pleasant. It's addicting.

"Why?" I asked. I mean, I thought father will do everything for me, so why can't he?

He stared at me for a moment. He then said. "Why? My daughter can just do it by herself. We're nobles, no one will be mad. Unless your target is another noble." He then laughed for some unknown reasons. "Just kidding, don't take it seriously. No, really, don't do anything, understood? That's bad."

"Ah, ok." I replied. My imaginary characters sure can be inconsistent. Sometimes he's like this, sometimes he's like that. How unfortunate. How disappointing. How tiring. Even if this is just a dream, I can get tired for some unknown reasons. I guess my dream is just too realistic that I mistake it as reality sometimes. Though, I'll still erase an imaginary character if I dislike it.

After that, nothing much happened again. I had lessons with the whore—I mean, my beloved magic instructor. Then, many hours already passed.

"Hmm." I hmmed. I don't really have anything to say—so, hmm. Currently, it's night. It's evening right now. I mean, really evening. Like, you know? Where everyone should be asleep already. Is it called mid night? I'm not sure, I'm not in the mood to search for its meaning right now, literally.

I am sneaking at our kitchen. I am going around our kitchen. I can't really think any other way to kill someone, so knife is the way. I mean, I just want to stab someone while that someone is asleep, nothing too complicated. Don't mind me.

Well, if she's with father, then plan cancelled of course. I'll just wait for the right time. Though, nothing much happened between them after that night, so I didn't think she'll be with father. Father won't be mad, he's just a fictional character.

The kitchen is large, there are many things that are used for the kitchen. You can just imagine how the kitchen looks like by yourself. If you want, you can ask someone else if you don't know what a kitchen looks like. Oh right, it's in ancient style—I mean, medieval style, I guess?

"... I can't reach it." I muttered to myself with a low voice, trying to get the cooking knife that's hanging on the wall. Really, I wish I can wish to be taller and older. This is such a pain. Can't I get a longer timeskip? Though, even if I say that, I just said that because I can't reach it. I still don't want to grow up. Growing up is boring. I want to stay as a child forever, and do everything a child does. Even if I'm a little girl here, a child is still a child.

Anyways, since I'm smart, I dragged a chair close by and used it to be taller. After some adjustments, I was finally able to grab it. It's now in my hands.

"This is good enough, I guess." I whispered. Yeah, it's now in my hands. I stared at it. Looking at it made me question myself. Not because I don't want to dirty to dirty my hands, it's just that, I don't want to fail. I'm hesitating a bit. Though, what's the use of morality here? I shouldn't care much. I'll imagine what I prefer to imagine.

I slowly got down the chair. I took the chair back from its position. I stepped out from the kitchen with the knife on my left hand. I headed to the stairs. I climbed the stairs as silently as possible. I headed to the direction where her room is at. It's close to father's room, at the third floor.

After a while, I was finally in front of Melissa's room. In front of me is a door that is closed. I hid the knife behind me. I stared at the door. I smiled. I smiled widely. No, actually, it was a sneer. If she's here, then good.