Phileo left the room without looking back at them. Everyone just stared, not moving after he left. "Phileo, he'll be promoted soon. I can feel it." General Martinez said smirking as if he was betting on his claim.

"Who wouldn't be promoted if he showed progress. Phileo's a lion when it comes to serving." General Michaelis complimented Phileo back.

Lt. Cl. Gregory laugh at their statement, Phileo? Getting promoted? He's betting his ass. He'll not be promoted for sure. It's a heavy mission that would take years to complete it. It'll be sure that he'll be the first one to be promoted.

"Well, he's showing great achievements everyday. Who wouldn't be promoted this early if his result is amazing?" General Martinez chuckled and shook his head, totally disagrees with the lieutenant in front of him.

"Aren't I the most promising one here?" Colonel lieutenant Gregory asked them, proudly smirking at them, showing his greatness all over. "Last time, I saw you failed a mission. And it wasn't even a minor mission that everyone takes. It was an important mission. Who saved your ass? Lieutenant Phileo. If it wasn't for him, you would've lost your license, kid." General Rayos said, didn't even look at him.

"W-well at that time—" Gregory tried to look for reasons that could defend himself from the remarks of General Rayos, but instead there were no appropriate words that came up with his brain. He was embarrassed, silently cursing the old man who's sitting in front of him while checking documents.

"Woah, both of you chill down. It's not like we're all perfect right?" General Michaelis has to step up, specially that he can see the glares Gregory planted on General Rayos. "Well, no one's perfect." General Martinez butted in the conversation. General Rayos was known for being strict that he will always remember your past mistakes. He deeply rooted for Phileo since there was not a single mistake he performed.

"Calm down everyone, we still have a case to work with." General Martinez added as he whistled. It was awkward, specially that Leiutenant Colonel Gregory was still fuming mad about the retorts of General Rayos. From the looks of it, it definitely went straight to his pride.

"You're definitely right. I have to ensure my cases first." Gregory said as he grabbed his hat, salutes at the Generals in front of him and left them with anger in his eyes. Seems like that kid still don't know how to handle his pride and temper.

"You should've just kept quiet, you know." General Michaelis talked at General Rayos for harshly speaking towards the kid who just left them. "He's full of himself, he needs to understand that." He justified.

"As if you weren't bias towards Phileo, Rayos." The general Martinez laugh at his words. This man right here is the most bias of them all.

"Maybe?" Rayos replied making the two generals laugh at his unsure statement.

It was silent, the room is filled with blood stenches but as soon as the woman in black fitted dress hugging her curves tightly walked down, each step held elegance and sophistication, bloomed a new aroma that even the stench of blood got replaced.

It was none other than the head of the syndicate, Andrea Leane Meneses. The poison lily who managed to climb at the top, crushing every opponents that tried to take her down. Her strategies lead her to success, claiming the throne in the underworld.

Some says, she looks like a fully bloomed rose, yet the thorns at her side always makes everyone fear her. No one knows about her face, as she always wear a mask everytime she appears. Cool as it sounds but she can kill anytime, be it in a broad daylight or at night, the fierce lioness can spot a fly.

"Madame, reporters has flocked Goyo's house and the wife cried during interviews. She specially got invited by the President." Her shadow reported as she sipped the wine in her hands, walking the distance between the man who's crawling down, refusing to give up.

"Crying? Ha, that bitch cried but it's clear she's after the money. What a fucking hypocrite." She said and laughed at her own statement. "What about the letter? Did the letter arrived safely?" She asked, pertaining about the letter she sent to the President. It was her good grace to give some information at her enemy. A good grace bestowed by her and a little effort to abolish the growing corruption of the country. She may be evil, but it wouldn't hurt to give information as she still cares for her home country. Note sarcasm.

"It arrive safely, Madame." The shadow replied to her, making her grin as she twirled her wine glass, making the wine create a whirlpool inside. "Very good. As expected of you, you never failed to amaze me." She said, complimenting her shadow.

Everyone look at her and bowed at her, respect was visible in their eyes. Andrea, stopped walking as she's near towards the vile man gasping for air. His body was filled with bruises and wounds, obviously he went through physical torture or abuse made by her order.

She flicked her fingers, as the men started to bring a wooden chair inside and dumped a heavy chair at the top of the man's back, making him groaned a lot in pain. It was very heavy that the man's kneeling knees splat down on the ground. He was moving flat, trying to get rid of the heavy chair in his back.

Andrea, smirked behind her mask, walked the gap between the man lying flat as she kneeled down, grabbing his chin and looked at the man who's face almost lost its color. "I wonder how many spies they planted in my dome, clearly it's not just you right?" She asked but her question was really obvious to the point she knew someone was listening to her.

She lets go of his chin, it was like he threw his chin off. Andrea stood up, sighed and sat on the chair against the man's back and earned a lot of shouts from the man. The chair itself is heavy, what's more if she added her weight into the chair? She smirked, everyone is afraid as they saw the glimmer in her eyes, clearly enjoying what she did.

"I was really hoping you could entertain me for today. But hearing you shout like a pig throwing tantrums, it made me somewhat feel like it's not enough. Your cries are not enough, it's not even interesting. Ha." The disappointment in her voice was evident that she's bored. Andrea smiled and continued to spit words, knowing someone was listening to her—and it's not one of her men.