"What?" He looks surprised. He did not expect that it was her who killed them, maybe her minions. Why would she step up and decided to kill Governor Goyo? It is unbelievable, unexpected. "That's absurd! You're just a woman-"

A loud thud was heard as the furious woman kicked the spy so hard in the face that you can even tell his gaping mouth is broken. She was furious, mad at him for suddenly saying just because she is a woman, it is absurd to kill someone opposite of her gender.

"Just a woman? A woman?" She cackled and kicked the spy again despite his broken mouth. Her kick was powerful that she sent the spy flying across the room, his back hitting the wall. He puke out blood, gasping as his eyes feared the monster walking up to him, sealing the gap between them. "Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I can't fucking kill you, you worthless piece of shit. Murder has nothing to do with the gender you scum. Don't you think regardless of my gender, I stand at the top, looking down on pitiful human wastes that can't even hurt me? They're after my head, but who claims their head first? None other than yours truly." She smirked as she kneeled her left knee down, gripped the man's hair making him look at her, and smiled at him, showing how clean her teeth are despite the blood on her body.

"This woman can bring an entire syndicate down. What else if it's just trash like you? You're just hmm, one kill away?" She tried to joke but it was silent, no one was laughing at her joke as she was still fired up about the insult this man spit at her. "No one seems to enjoy my joke. Tell me, is my joke not that funny?" She asked the spy who was drenched in blood. His face was badly beaten up by the demon in front of him, kneeling while looking at him.

Her eyes glow so brightly that it sent a shiver down his spine. She looks like one of the greatest nightmares you encounter in your sleep. But then, it's far more frightening since this is his reality facing the demon who appeared in front of him. "Y-yes." He answered and lied at the same time. Her joke was off the key but he can't just say her joke is bad as shit.

"Lie. You there!" She shouted and pointed the gun at one of her guards. The chosen person trembled as his life was placed on the edge. She cocked the gun and smiled at the trembling man as pale as the white moon. Bah, how did this scumbag got accepted into her organization? This place has no room for those who are weak!

"Is my joke bad?" She asked him and the man, avoided her gaze and nodded rapidly, obviously unaware of Andrea's face. Her emotion suddenly changed. "You sure about that? Why aren't you answering? Don't you have a tongue? Should I pull it out?" She asked. Her voice suddenly went cold as the message she delivered was already a warning.

Andrea is a one-word lady. If she doesn't like it and said something like plucking out your tongue, expect that she will pluck it.

"N-no Madame! Your joke is amazing! H-Hahahaa!" He nervously tried to laugh but the laugh came out as a heavy breathing laugh. It's like he's breathing using his mouth instead of his nose. "Oh. Is that even considered a laugh?" She asked once again.

The shocking event was the man suddenly peed in his pants, making Andrea snicker. She was chuckling that even the guard fell and peed himself even more. Andrea started to laugh out loud. She was laughing while the spy and the guard whimpered because of dread. Every time she laughs, there's always a heavy misfortune that falls around.

"You're such a clown," Andrea said as she wiped her tear from laughing hard. It was the very first time that she saw, a grown man crying and peeing just because he was threatened by a 26-year-old woman, holding a gun. "I never laugh that way. Do you dare make me laugh like that? But I like it so much." She said as she lowered her gun and sighed.

The man thought that she finally pardoned him as a joyous smile spread in his mouth as if God bestowed him a chance to redo his life once again. He kneeled and bowed on the floor over and over again and he kept on saying thank you, repeatedly. He was so glad that he still lives another day-


A body fell to the floor. Fresh blood keeps on oozing out from his head. It was a perfect shot that Andrea performed, straight directly into the center of his forehead. A clean shot.

"Anyone else? Step out to those who are weak. I'll personally erase you from this world." She said and look back at the spy in front of him. "You do realize that answering yes or no still has the same ending or fate right? You answer yes, you die. You answer no still you die. It's like life. Life still has its ending, and that is, of course, dying." She told him and cocked her gun again.

The spy is now shaking his head, his eyes begging at Andrea who's staring deadly at him, it's as if there's no forgiveness and mercy in her eyes. "I-I beg y-you." The spy asked but can't speak very well as every part of his face is numb.

"So long, you piece of shit. Remember me in your next life. I promise, I'll be there too and will kill you again." She whispered but enough for everyone to hear her out calling. The spy keeps on shaking his head, but it already has no avail for the villain, ready to pull the trigger.

"Madame!" Someone shouted making Andrea pull the trigger and it hit on the spy's eyes. Andrea was shocked when someone shouted. She angrily faced the madman who shouted, cocking her gun and pulling the trigger. But that someone invaded the running bullet and instead smiled at Andrea.

"Madame, bad news." She said.

"Next time Luxia, lower your fucking voice or I'll kill you right now." She warned the girl, smiling gleefully at her. "My bad, Madame. I won't do it next time." She happily said and chuckled.

"Enough with that childish act, Luxia." Someone barged in. Cold as ice, calm as the wind but emotionless like a doll. It was Raella. Luxia and Raella both welded the position of Andrea's hands. Luxia was the left hand and Raella was the right hand.

Raella's face was covered in a full face mask, hiding her emotions and such. The design was very peculiar as half of the mask was colored platinum white while half of it was colored pitch black. The design was unusual, the white was covered in black linings similar to how ferns grow while the black side only had a gold diamond under its eye.

Her mask is similar to what clowns are wearing. She was wearing a black turtle neck, grey baggy pants, and a long grey colored trench coat that truly covers her arms up to her leg. Her hands were covered in black hand gloves, plain but it's worth more than a peasant's life. This girl loves to hide her body to the extent that even if it's hot, she's still wearing an outfit that fits the winter-summer collection clothes. She was wearing black combat shoes-dusted with gold dust which shone even though the place is dark. Raella was known as the group's "Joker" efficient in every aspect. Other is that the Joker portrays her personality when she kills someone.

"Greetings, Madame." Raella greeted Andrea but only earned a nod. Meanwhile, Luxia on the other hand smiled at the sight and laughed. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" Andrea asked her curiously but the girl just shrugged her shoulders.