"Madame, I told you to not go outside." Ace reprimanded Andrea, who's currently driving the motorcycle. Pretty decent if you ask her. She removed her broken mask and threw it away, breaking it to pieces.

"Why did you do that? Everyone will know you!" Ace added, making Andrea's head twitch in irritation. This kid doesn't know when to shut up. "Madame, you shouldn't have fought with that police. Now he knows you, what should we do?" Ace was frantic at this moment.

That police officer saw Andrea's face, and now they could be in big trouble. "Can you just shut the hell up?" Andrea asked him, making Ace shut up.

"Good." She praised him for shutting up and continued to drive the vehicle silently. She didn't mind the police that saw her, it's not like he can know her after seeing her. It's like he just saw the 1/8 of her face, still not enough to identify her.

It was already 3 AM when they arrived at a place that seems to be nonexistent. A place wherein it was just a barren land, with no trees or woods at all. A plain field. After Ace got off, carrying two cases—one case for the pink diamond and the other for the cash. Ace who was already in the center called someone that manages the barren land.

All of a sudden, the land cracked open, revealing a secret door that leads down to the earth. A staircase that leads to where they're going. Ace went in first while Andrea smirked and looked at the Ducati they found. "It would be too much if I destroy this, but oh well." She said to herself and pulled out a gun.

"Ha, should've used this. I forgot about this gun." She said again to herself and pulled the trigger, shooting the gas tank of the motorcycle, blowing up the motorcycle.

"Ha, I feel sorry for the owner." She said and immediately went inside making the crack disappear as if it never existed in the first place. While walking down, she finally saw ace, talking to someone on the phone. No one knows about this place, except for Ace and other trusted employees of hers. She's been here mostly and everyone thought this one was the main headquarters and she didn't deny the rumors floating about this as the HQ.

Ace, who saw her without a mask, immediately searched for one to hide her face, good thing he brought an extra one in case an event like this happens. True to his instinct and all, it happened.

"Wear this Madame." He said and gave her a new mask, a mask that hides her entire face. She immediately wore it and proceeded to open the elevator and went inside it. Ace was beside her, holding the case.

Andrea who was bored opened her phone. Her eyes started to wrinkle as she checked the notification that her computer sent to her. It was an edited video of Ray, scaring the hell out of her employees. She couldn't contain the chuckle, escaping from her mouth as she looked at her poor employees, getting scared of a mere child.

"Told you that the child will leave a disaster," Ace commented as he saw what that child did towards the employees. "No worries, I'm sure she'll have her punishment later on." Andrea coldly replied and looked at the other notification that bothered her phone.

The next video was about Ray who fought with two grown-ups, scaring them and even making them piss. "Are you sure she's a fucking child?" Ace was shocked, seeing how the girl handled them with such tactics.

"Told you that it's them who should be careful instead of her. Look at what she did." Andrea replied proudly as she looked at how Ray was able to handle them. "I don't think she deserves any punishment, Madame," Ace commented, feeling sad for the child. Poor child, the mistress can't seem to be shaken.

"Shut up and call for medics. My body hurts as hell right now." She replied and left the elevator when it opened. She then throws away the phone, it doesn't matter how much it costs. Eventually, the phone died after she threw it hard, making Ace shake his head and sigh, there seems to be never-ending work for them.

"I know you're tired, go to sleep and meet me at 8 AM. Another job." Andrea said before she left Ace and went inside a room that was just for her. The whole floor was reserved for her only. The upper floors contain experiments, a training department, and many more. The last floor near the core is hers. The reason why it took long for her to get out of the elevator.

When she arrived, she immediately went inside the bathroom, removed the mask, and treated the wounds on her face. She can't just let the medics see her face. So she has to do it alone.

Fighting with that cop was the most exhausting thing she ever did. That sure is one hell of a cop. To think she landed her fists and legs on him several times as he too made his fists and kicks land on him. He was strong.

After treating her wounds, she immediately rinsed herself or took a bath. The coldness didn't matter to her as it has always been cold. Her life is much colder than the water that fell into her body.

Unexpectedly, the man's eyes crossed inside her brain, causing her to be confused. Why was she thinking of his golden eyes so suddenly?

"Damn." She cursed and closed her eyes, sighing as she forced herself not to think of anything or anyone. After rinsing herself, she immediately wore the bathrobe, went outside the bathroom, and walked towards the closet she had. Picking an outfit that she thinks looks good on her. She took off her bathrobe and immediately wore her undergarments. After wearing it, she put on the white crop top sleeveless shirt paired with high-waist jeans. She then took a black leather jacket, pairing her today's outfit.

She reached out for the ankle boots she saw and immediately wore them and lastly, a new mask to hide her face, a full fox mask, hiding her face again. Coincidentally after she was done, she heard a knock three times, must be the medics Ace prepared. Still, in her crop top outfit and jeans, the door opened revealing Ace with a nurse for her.

"You're late, once again." She said as she sat in her bed, waiting for the nurse to do her magic. "You know how long it takes just to arrive here, right?" Ace replied pompously.

"I'll kill you with your tone." Andrea threatened him but it has no avail towards the best shadow she ever had, Ace. "I already set your new phone. All information is in there." He said as he took out a brand new phone from his pocket.

"We need to abduct the police, Madame." He suddenly suggested, making Andrea look at him as if he lost his brain. Didn't he see how she was wounded and bruised by that beast?

"I know what you're thinking right now Madame." He added, making Andrea raise her eyebrow. "Dare to use the same phrase I said earlier?" She asked him while looking at him with conviction in his eyes.