"Aren't you curious as to why your sister married me?" Phileo asked the teen beside him. She was still eating the cake she had in her hand. "I don't judge my sister's judgment, rather I investigate them. You see, I never questioned her decision in everything." She replied shortly, didn't bother to look at him.

"Instead, I visit them at night, do things like how police gather their evidence. You know, the method of getting an answer from the suspect?" She added making Phileo swallow a lump in his throat. This kid is ruthless as he thought.

"Are you gonna do that to me?" He asked, half-ly scared. He doesn't have any weapons, to begin with, and he's very sure this girl in front of him is as strong as the woman he'll marry. "No worries, I won't do that to you." She said.

Phileo sighed in relief and yawned. To be honest, he still feels very sleepy but he can't fall asleep, must be because of this girl. "Are you sleepy, mister?" Ray asked once again and Phileo nodded.

"Then sleep."