"I think this door will lead us to the bottom of the cruise or is there another shortcut?" Phileo asked Andrea when both of them entered the door. "A shortcut at the top deck. I have studied the blueprint of the cruise and I noticed something suspicious with this cruise. But anyways, let's just focus." She said.

"May I ask something?" Phileo asked her.

"What is it?" She replied.

"Can you swim?"

"What do you think? I'm a mafia boss for Pete's sake. I've been trained to face hell Barros. I can't be called the Mafia Boss if I did not learn things." She said, aggravated at his question.

"I can't swim. Will you save me?" Phileo said making Andrea scowl at him. Now what does he mean by that? "Phileo such jokes can't be tolerated." She said.