"Put him in an empty room, oxygen and all. Dock the yacht back to the port. I still have some unsettled business there." She said as she sat down on the side, looking at the cruise sinking.

"How's the third party? Are there no casualties? Deaths?" Andrea asked Spade, her subordinate and someone who's under Ace's wing.

"The third party has already been sent to the third yacht. Although they called for another set of backups. It is said that Lt. Cl. Barros is missing." Spade said. Andrea nodded at her report. Barros is safe under her wings.

"Fetch me another set of clothes and a mask. The rest of you can go back to the HQ, Spade follow me somewhere. The General seems to be restless. Call Ace and Raella and tell them to meet us at the port." Andrea reported as she stood up and walked to the room wherein Phileo was resting.