Morning came and Phileo wasn't able to get a lot of sleep. He was turning and twisting on his bed, forcing himself to go to sleep but it seems that his mind doesn't want him to fall asleep.

Dark eye bags started to gather below his eyes as he stood in the mirror, without any clothes that were supposed to hide his body. Now that Andrea will be staying here, he should force himself to wear something while sleeping because it will be awkward if he continues to sleep naked.

It was already 8 AM when he prepared himself. He went inside the bathroom and took a shower, massaging every part of his body while applying eyes on his eyebags. It says that it helps reduce the dark part and it actually works well.

After bathing himself, he prepared to wear something casual, comfortable, and simple. Since the General already emphasizes that he'll be the one handling the situation for the syndicate, then he doesn't need to go to his office.