"Who did it?" Phileo immediately said the moment Ray vanished. Although he truly miss their quality time together he couldn't help but ask that question. Andrea looked at him, confusion was written all over her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked him. 

"The Jordan Montenegro case. It was so sudden that I couldn't believe what had just been reported to us. We had been tracing him for days now and we couldn't believe that he just end up at some random river." Phileo said. 

He started to doubt Andrea about this sudden appearance of their enemy yet he was dead. Andrea then shrugged her shoulder as she continued to read the papers on her table. "I am also shocked that he appeared just like that." She said.

Phileo observed her for the time being. There was really an itching part of his mind to question her further for the fact that she may be the one who killed the man, keeping quiet about it.