"Why don't you introduce me first to your friend, Andrea honey?" Phileo asked with a domineering voice, slightly glaring at the man who looked at him with a smirk on his lips. It was clear that he was enjoying this situation right now. Who the hell is he?

"Okay? He's Ezra Marshall, my long-time friend since the old days. Ezra, meet my soon-to-be husband, Phileo Barros. " Andrea said, as she introduced Phileo towards Ezra who was looking at Phileo. 

"Lieutenant General Phileo Barros, Mr Marshall." He said with a stern voice. Jealousy filled his every vein as he watch the man earlier kissing Andrea's palm like a gentleman. He could no longer bear it anymore and went to them, without even bidding proper goodbye to his old folks and just straight up walk there.