"What took you so long, dear?" Nona asked Ray as she was waiting in her seat. Her smile was all weary after she was approached by a lot of men whom she didn't even know. Ray then smiled at her as she helped her stand up and wrapped her arms around her arm.

"Well Nona, brother was flirting with Sister that I couldn't tell them. Luckily, I interfered when he was about to kiss her and even made him mad. You should've seen his face, Nona." Ray said, laughing while keeping Nona closer to her.

Everyone was watching her move, it's not surprising to her anymore considering that most of these people are their enemies whom her Sister dealt with when in terms of raising their social and economic power. 

"Dang, Phileo sucks at flirting I see," Nona replied, chuckling at what Ray said to her.