"Sister! Brother! Wake up, Nona's waiting!" A loud voice started to wake up Andrea. She could feel that her body was heavy as if something heavy was on top of her. Her position was also quite confusing as she could feel that her pillow is hard. The last thing she remembered was she was facing Phileo when she fell asleep.

Wait what?

She immediately opened her eyes and was shocked to see that she was facing Phileo's hard rock chest, his arm around her waist while his other arm was used as her pillow. Her arm, on the other hand, is on his waist hugging him closer. 

She could feel that her cheeks suddenly heated up as her violet eyes stared at Phileo's face, sleeping naturally. His beauty never faltered even if he was sleeping. His long eyelashes that compliment his golden eyes, his long nose that made everyone swagger, and his lips. Oh what plump lips he has, truly blessed by God.