"Drag him to the dungeon. I'm sure he'll like the surprise that I prepared for him." Andrea said as she sighed aggressively and turned her back against the dying man, leaving the room with her lions following her.

Everyone kept their mouth shut as the door was loudly shut by Andrea. It was clear that she was still pissed despite beating the man severely. It was evident by the way she slammed the door shut, she didn't get the feeling of satisfaction.

As Uzen was fixated with the door slammed shut by Andrea, the new guy that Andrea brought went to Solaris and as he removed his mask, Uzen couldn't help herself but to gasp and glare at the man. Wasn't he the one who killed her assignment the last time she did a mission?

"I can't believe you're still alive, Man. I thought you decided to abandon the team and disappeared out of nowhere. Who would've thought that you became the spy of this old man here." Solaris said as he grinned and extended his arm.