After the disastrous events had passed everyone's hearts, the past had been forgiven but not forgotten in everyone's heart. Ray would always bicker, trying to let Andrea remember the taste of how painful it was when Andrea tries to become selfish again.

She would let Andrea remember how harsh and horrible it was for her that Andrea would sulk once again and would act sad, trying to avoid Ray's words because it was making her a headache. It would result in Ray's victory. 

Uzen and Solaris had also forgiven Andrea after their reconciliation with Ray. Everything seems to be back to the way it used to be, except for the memories full of pain and agony. 

The house became lively once again, Ray would occasionally be with Nona as Andrea forced her to enjoy herself in Nona and Uzen's care while she handled the company alone with Solaris. Although, Solaris wanted to disagree with the plan he can't just blurt it all out.