"You asshole, do you want Nona to lose her trust in us?!" Solaris yelled at Phileo who was being dragged by Aethan towards the parked car. They have no other choice but to look for a place to stay. 

"Man, if you would know how I feel right now, I'm damn pissed because of that superstition. It's not even real! I want my wife back!" Phileo shouted at Solaris, glaring at him. 

"I can feel you alright! Dude, I don't want to be separated either from Ray! But it's because of you, Nona requested me a favour! Why can't you just follow her?!" Solaris replied, still annoyed with him.

"Not gonna lie Phileo, but you're an asshole. I was having the fucking time of my life when Nona started to call me about some important matter. I didn't know the important matter is you, motherfucker." Aethan butted in their conversation.