It was already evening when Andrea, Raella, and Solaris decided to go home already. Epione was in between Andrea and Ray, playing with Ray while Solaris was at the passenger side. 

Andrea kept her eyes on Epione, watching her laugh and smile at Ray's antics. Her daughter means the world to her and she would kill for Epione if it means to keep her sake. Although Phileo and her discussed that Epione shouldn't be exposed to her job, not she will know about her being a criminal. 

She remembered Phileo expressing his concern about how her criminal life will affect Epione if ever she knew about it and so she decided to never let Epione understand or have an idea about her other job. 

"Epione, who's your favourite? Mommy, Daddy, or Sister Ray?" Raella asked, making Andrea's ears perk up with the question. It was a silly question but she couldn't help herself but listen to their conversation as she stared at her daughter.