"What's this meeting for?" Aethan asked as he sat beside Andrea. It was already evening and everyone was present at this point. Everyone had a serious expression on their face and attentively waited for someone to explain this sudden call for a meeting. 

"How about Epione and Nona?" Uzen asked as she sat next to Ray instead. Solaris and Phileo have this frown on their face as they look over Aethan and Uzen's strange behaviour. Why aren't they close to each other?

"What's with the two of you sitting far away from each other?" Solaris couldn't help but ask the two. Aethan just shrugged while Uzen kept her silence which made the atmosphere more awkward. 

"Seriously, did the two of you fight?" Phileo asked, his eyes kept on looking at Uzen and Aethan. "Nah, nothing happened. Isn't that so, Uzen?" Aethan said, smiling at her stiffly. Uzen on the other hand rolled her eyes and nodded, avoiding Aethan's gaze.