Nona Gracey felt like someone was stirring her which made her open her eyes, blinking to make her eyesight more clear. As she looked at the person who disturbed her sleep, she squinted her eyes to look at the person in front of her to identify who it was. 

"Did I wake you up, Nona?" Ray asked as she tried to wave her hand in front of Nona. With Ray's soothing and calming tone, Nona Gracey immediately figured out that it was Ray who had woken her up. 

"What's wrong Ray?" Nona asked as she rubbed her eyes as it was not getting clearer. Huh, that's weird. Why is Ray looking very blurry? Is something wrong with her eyes? After a few blinks, trying to get back her eyesight, it finally became clear to which she was thankful. 

"I didn't find the two of you in the living room so I searched for the two of you. I hope I didn't disturb your rest." Raella said, explaining herself while looking at Nona with an apologetic expression across her face.