"WHAT?!" Andrea immediately let out a loud roar after hearing what Aethan had said. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MEAN?!" She shouted that it almost broke Aethan's ears. But he understands her anger. 

"Nona wanted to shop so I volunteered to go with her since Ray gave her permission. But when she told me to look for something, when I went back she was already gone from the aisle! I didn't even find the cart that she was holding! Please, help me!" Aethan asked, begging Andrea to help him. He was getting insane looking everywhere. 

"FUCK! THIS IS WHY I TOLD YOU THAT SHE NEEDS MY PERMISSION FIRST!" Andrea shouted. Aethan could hear how loud it was getting and there were things that created loud crashes. She's really angry. 

"FUCK YOU AETHAN! ONCE I GET BACK, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" She shouted and ended the call. Her threat didn't matter to Aethan because he was too consumed with the idea that he'd never find Nona.