"what? Are you in your right mind, Brother? You're placing us with our mortal enemy! I mean, you are our ally now but... Why should we go there?" Raella asked, confused and bewildered at the thought of living in their enemy's base. 

"Andrea said it. I'm not against the decision. Epione and you will color your hair to avoid getting suspected. It's clear that the mansion's security system has already been corrupted, knowing that they were able to send calls from unregistered numbers. The general is a good man, if you cannot trust him, then trust me, Ray. Trust me that he won't do anything to you and my child." Phileo said with a serious face. 

"But... But I don't want to be left behind while all of you risk your life." Raella said, opposing the idea of not saving her sister. She's frustrated at the fact that they decided not to let her join. She's already an adult for fuck's sake!