"You handled it like a pro, love. As expected of you. You really amazed me earlier." Solaris said as he approached Raella who was now reading documents that were stacked on the desk. 

"Just shut up and help me here, Love. I'm already tired of handling these damn documents because it's not decreasing even though I've been working so hard," Raella stated, glaring at Solaris who chuckled, pitying her right now.

"Alright... It's my job to help CEOs after all." Solaris replied as he immediately sat on the opposite side of her, starting to take documents from her table and did it without complaining at her. 

"Hello, is this the Accounting Department? Please withdraw the stocks from these people and cut their connections with us. I do not want them to sully the company further, it's best to remove these thorns rather than letting them prick someone's finger." Raella said as soon as she dialed the phone number answered.