"Last one?" Solaris asked as he breathed heavily, looking at Aethan who was breaking a man's neck using his bare hands, showing no hesitation in killing the man at all. A loud crack echoed as the dead body fell on the ground while Aethan looked at the body mercilessly. 

"Yup, the last one," Aethan replied and sighed as he wiped off the blood that was on his cheek. "Fucking hell I smell so bad." He muttered to himself as he smelled like the combination of gunpowder and blood. 

"Congratulations on your work," Phileo said as he approached them, together with Uzen at his side, gatekeeping the snipe rifle that she personally asked Phileo to give to her. 

"What's the plan now?" Uzen asked, using the rifle as her cane. It was fun exchanging blows with everyone as it has been so long since the last gang war against another territory and organization.